Welcome everyone to the Autumn Term in Year 6! Below you can find information about Year 6 and our current activities.
Some of our topics this term are
Science: Electricity & Light
R.E.: Christianity & Humanism – How does being a Christian or Humanist enable resilience?
Christianity – Christmas in the Gospels: what do they tell us about Jesus?
Computing: E-Safety/Data Retrieving and organising – spreadsheets
History: World War 2 – Battle of Britain
Geography: Grid references/important geographical lines e.g., latitude and longitude.
D&T: Textiles
Art: Painting to create texture and moods.
P.E.: Autumn 1 Monday – Football (Outdoor Kit)
Autumn 2 Monday – Gymnastics (Indoor Kit)
Autumn 1 Tuesday – Dance (Indoor Kit)
Autumn 2 Tuesday – Orienteering (Indoor Kit)
P.S.H.E.: Mental Well-Being/Pressure of Media
Spellings: handed out on Monday (please see sticker inside spelling book for testing at home).
English & Maths: handed out on Tuesday to be handed in on Friday/handed out on Friday to be handed in on Monday.
Reading: read regularly at home and regularly change ORT book.
Mental Maths: regular times tables practice on TTRockstars (weekly competitions will soon be live) and Hit the Button.
Login details are stuck in reading journals.
Useful Website links:
There are a number of activities which can be completed daily/weekly in addition to homework:
Times tables – TTRockstars and Hit the Button. (10-15 mins) Y4,5 & 6 TTRockstars
Spellings – regular LCWC practice, home tests. (15-20 mins approx.) If you are unable to print out handwriting/LCWC sheets then you could copy the grid into your book carefully using a pencil and ruler.
Silent Reading– current Oxford Reading Tree book/your own reading book from home. It is important to read a wide source of materials.
Please Note:
- Children should also be reading regularly at home and practising times tables.
- Reading journals, reading books and spelling homework books should be brought into school each day in case they are needed.
Oxford Owl is a lovely website which has a library full of e-books which relate to the Oxford Reading Tree scheme. These can supplement home reading should you wish to use them.
Please do not feel you need to rush your way through- 2 or 3 books alongside weekly school books and/or any books from home should be plenty.
Login details can be found in your child’s reading journal.
- Click on class login box at the top of the page.
- Fill in the login details.
- Click e-books (my bookshelf).
- Click levels.
- Choose a book that you would like to read.
- Enjoy
NB: Some of the books might have lovely little activities to try out too
Please note any e-books read at home in your child’s reading journal and sign it. These will add towards stickers on your child’s bookmark.