Our class teachers are Miss Platt (Mon.-Weds.) and Mrs Tetlow (Thurs.-Fri.).Â
Mrs. Crossley is our teaching assistant (every morning plus Wednesday afternoon PPA).
Mrs. Buckley (TA) is also with us to do computing on a Monday afternoon.
If you haven’t already done so, please could you register for Tapestry ; it is a great way of keeping in touch. Please contact the school office (0161 770 5850) if you have any problems logging on.Â
Please refer to our Parental Information Pack – on the toolbar at the top of our website homepage, click on Information for Parents, then Parent Class Booklets, then scroll down to Year 1.
 If you have any other questions about any aspects of your child’s school life, please do come and ask.
The Year 1 Team
Year 1’s Information
Please check Tapestry to see the photos of what we have been up to in class! 🙂Â
Many thanks to those of you who have been keeping up with our home handwriting challenge – we are starting to see a difference! 🙂
Don’t forget to check your child’s reading journal for this term’s NEW reading challenges.
Trips this term: Gallery Oldham (09.01.24), Fireground, Rochdale (12.02.24) and Science workshop in school (01.03.24)
If you haven’t already done so, please could you make sure that your child has an indoor PE kit (shorts, t-shirt & pumps) and an outdoor Games kit (sweatshirt, tracksuit bottoms, trainers). Many thanks!
Art Club will run until Easter – please see Tapestry for dates.
Important everyday information:
BOOK BAGS – Could we ask that your child brings his/her book bag to school every day?
UNIFORM – Please could you make sure your child’s belongings are clearly labelled – especially kits, jumpers / cardigans, shoes and coats.
PE/GAMES KIT – Please see above for details. It is *really important* that children have the correct kits in school so that they can take part in PE lessons.
Please could you aim to read with your child as often as possible (preferably daily) for approx. 5/10 minutes at a time.
Year 1 spellings will start in a couple of weeks.
Spelling tests – take place each Friday (Please hand red spelling folders in on this day)
New spellings – handed out each Monday
Homework tasks are shared out across the term between Miss Platt (green folder) and Mrs. Tetlow (black folder)
🙂 Many thanks for your support 🙂
Year 1 Curriculum
Across the Curriculum – our topics for the Autumn Term:
 | 1st half term | 2nd half term |
Science | Ourselves and The Senses | contd… |
Seasons topic ongoing throughout the year | ||
Geography |
Around our School (Local Area) |
Weather topic ongoing throughout the year | ||
History |
– |
Art / DT | Painting / Colour (Art) | Â A Home for Teddy (DT) |
RE | – | Introduction to Christianity
Christmas Gifts |
Across the Curriculum – our topics for the SPRING Term:
 | 1st half term | 2nd half term |
Science | – | |
Seasons topic ongoing throughout the year | ||
Geography |
The United Kingdom, including London |
Weather topic ongoing throughout the year | ||
History | – | |
Art / DT | Printing (Art) | Â Moving Pictures (DT)
linked to London topic |
RE | – | Introduction to Islam |
Across the Curriculum – our topics for the SUMMER term:
Science | ||
Seasons topic ongoing throughout the year | ||
Geography |
World Geography – Hot and Cold Places |
Weather topic ongoing throughout the year | ||
History |
Rosa Parks & Annie Kenney |
– |
Art / DT |
Sketching (Art) |
Fruit Salads (DT) |
RE | Belonging to a Faith Community | Sacred books and stories |
Children will be exposed to maths every day, through a range of practical and real life activities. The children will continue to work on their number recognition and counting skills.
✨ Here is a link to some useful daily maths activities: https://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/daily10
We continue to have a big ‘push’ on number formation. It really is so important that the children can form their numbers correctly. Please could you take some time to practise these at home with your child?
The children will have many opportunities to use practical equipment to support them with their learning and will also begin to record their calculations and discuss new strategies that could be used to solve problems, find solutions and reach answers.Â
Lots of our work will be investigative. We encourage you to practise maths skills at home with your child. Look for numbers around the house, count the stairs, help pay for items in the shop… maths is everywhere!
Useful maths-related info from your parental information pack:
MATHS Number Formation Tracing Strips
MATHS Number Formation 1 To 20
MATHS Useful Maths Websites Y1
MATHS Y1 Criteria Number, Place Value, Calculation And Fractions
Year 1 is such an important time in your child’s learning journey, in that they are still learning how to read and write.
Reading and phonics are key pieces of the Year 1 learning jigsaw. For children to reach their full potential, it is so important that they read at home as well as in school. Could we ask that you try to listen to your child read for around 5-10 minutes each night if possible? Please continue to read books from home as well as school books.Â
We will be holding a reading / phonics meeting for parents later in the Spring Term.
Useful reading-related information:
Help Your Child With Reading Poster For Parents
Spring Reading Challenge Minis
Phonics is at the heart of all of our English learning in Year 1 – we need phonics to help us read and spell. As such, our daily phonics sessions are an important part of our day. In Year 1 we use the Twinkl Phonics programme for our daily phonics sessions.
Useful phonics-related information:
Year 1 Common Exception Words
Level 2 Mat Phonemes & Tricky Words Level 3 Mat Phonemes Level 3 Mat Tricky Words Level 4 Mat Tricky Words Level 5 Mat Phonemes Level 5 Mat Common Exception Words
In Year 1 we aim for all children to become confident and independent writers. To achieve this we have a big focus on correct letter formation as well as phonics.
We choose texts and topics carefully to engage the children and make writing both purposeful and fun.Last half-term we looked at traditional tales and letter-writing; next half-term we will be looking at information texts and instructional writing.
Throughout the term the children will be supported to speak and then write in complete sentences using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.Â
Useful writing-related information:
WRITING Letter Formation Mat Curly Caterpillars Etc.
WRITING Uppercase And Lowercase Letter Formation
WRITING Y1 Writing Criteria 20 Stars2
WRITING Y1 Grammar Booklet 2020