Extra Curricular Activities

Here at Buckstones, we love to compete in sporting competitions!


Here are a selection of photos from the inter-school competitions that we have participated in this year.

Cross Country- 2nd Place  on 14.11.2023

Tag Rugby Joint 3rd on 28.11.23

Netball 3rd place on 10.10.22

Football 3rd place on 26.9.22 (No photo)


Dodgeball 3rd Place on 23.01.2024

Rowing Event Team – 06.02.2024

Handball Event Team – 2nd Place 12.03.2024

Netball Team 08.03.2024, 15.03.2024 and 22.03.2024


Year 4 and 5 Athletics Team 07.05.2024

Year 5 and 6 Rounders Team 25.06.2024


We are looking forward to attending more events in the near future, both competitive and non-competitive.