Maths Homework
Friday 1st October.
Hello there!
Please find the link below for the game Hit the Button. When you open it up, please select the green button ‘Number Bonds’, then have a go at
Make 10
Addition within 10
Missing numbers (+ and -)
Autumn Term 2021
Curriculum Newsletter
Hello Everyone!
We hope you have had a lovely summer and enjoyed being with family and friends again. We are really looking forward to working with your children this year. Here is some information about the topics we are covering this term. Other information about day to day life in Year 2 will be given out as soon as possible.
Here is a typical week’s timetable:
Monday |
English | BREAK | Maths | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading Activity | PSHE | Music | Story |
Tuesday | English | BREAK | Maths | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading Activity | Science | Science | Story |
Wednesday |
English | BREAK | Maths | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading Activity | R.E/ DT History/ Art Geography | R.E/ DT History/ Art Geography | Story |
Thursday |
English | BREAK | ICT | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading Activity |
Golden Time | Story |
Friday |
Maths | BREAK | P.E | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading Activity | R.E/ DT History/ Art Geography | Good Work Assembly | Story |
Topics to be covered this term:
Our Science topic this half term will be ‘Growth and Health. We will look at a variety of animal life cycles, then explore the changes that happen to human babies, toddlers and adults as they grow, as well as looking at what it means to have a healthy lifestyle We will also discuss the importance of exercise in our daily lives.
History Topic 1
Our first History Topic is all about Remembrance Day. Hopefully we will be able to visit the war memorial in Shaw to pay our respects to the soldiers who have given up their lives in war.
History Topic 2
In History we will be finding out what life was like for a child in Victorian Shaw, including working in the mills, going to school and day to day activities in the home.
Our Geography work will be based on the town of Shaw. As well as researching the variety of human and physical features of the local area, we will be studying local maps and drawing our own representations of the town.
Design Technology
In DT we will be looking at different types of puppet. The children will then have the opportunity to design and make their own hand puppet.
Here are some of the concepts we will be studying this term. More details to follow. The children will learn to:
- Read, write and order numbers to 100
- Know what each digit in a two digit number represents and partition two digit numbers into tens and ones.
- Extend understanding of addition and subtraction.
- Recognize the use of a symbol to stand for an unknown number.
- Begin to know by heart all addition and subtraction facts for each number to at least 10.
- Add 10, 20 or 30 to a 2 digit number and add 11 or 12 by adding 10 and adjusting.
- Describe and extend simple number sequences.
- Estimate, measure and compare lengths in centimetres and metres.
- Name and describe common 2D and 3D shapes.
- Read the time to the half hour and quarter hour
- Begin to learn facts for the 10 times table.
- Find halves and quarters of shapes.
- Stories in familiar settings
- Instructions and recipes
- Letters
- Poetry: list poems, shape poems, repetitive poetry
Religious Education
In R.E this term we will be trying to answer these questions:
Unit 1: Stories of Jesus
What would Jesus do? What do stories of Jesus tell Christians about how to live?
Unit 2: Celebrations
Who celebrates what? How and where? (Focus on Islam and Christianity
Unit 1: Ourselves
The children will discover ways to use their voices to describe feelings and moods. They create and notate vocal sounds, building to a performance.
Unit 2: Toys
The children will move and play to a steady beat and to sound sequences. They learn to control changing tempo.
With the help of Zippy and his friends we will be looking at how to recognize and name different feelings. We will look at different things we can do to manage our feelings, particularly during times of change or loss.
We will then look at what keeping healthy means; about how physical activity, sleep and good hygiene routines are important. Then we will learn how to recognize risk in everyday situations and what actions we can take to minimise harm.
In connection with our History topic we will be exploring the work of the local artist; Helen Bradley, in particular looking at her industrial landscapes of Oldham.
We look forward to getting to know you and your child over the next few weeks. If you have any problems or would like to ask any questions please come and speak to us at the Infant door or phone the office to make an appointment.
Mrs Joyce, Mrs Leavy and Mrs Harding
NB This is information from last year.
Year 2
Week beginning Monday 12th July
Hello Everyone,
Welcome Back!!! We have missed you so much. Let’s hope we have a wonderful last week full of fun and happy memories.
Just a reminder, please could you bring your P.E kits in on Monday and leave them in school all week, for when we can manage to get outside, in between the showers!!
Could you also bring in a named carrier bag as soon as possible so that you can take your work home at the end of the week.
Don’t forget it is Rainbow Treat Day on Tuesday for Year 2. Wear your colourful clothes and we will have a day of fun!!!
Hello Everyone,
I hope you are all OK and staying well. Another week begins for us all in isolation. I really wish we could all be together but we will try our best to get through this and look forward to a last week together of fun, happiness and treats!!
Try and complete the lessons as best you can. Remember, if you do not have access to a printer, try and write your answers down as best you can in a notepad or on a piece of paper.
Monday 5th July
Don’t forget our Zoom today at 2.15pm where I will be reading James and the Giant Peach and we can find out what happens next!! You will find the link on Tapestry.
Sorry it is 2.15pm, not 2.30 as I originally put!!
Have a piece of paper/notepad and pencil with you at every Zoom meeting just in case I ask you to jot something down. xx
WALT: solve problems involving mass
To warm up your maths brains today, start by saying your ten times table out loud. Can you do it without stopping?
Today I would like you to solve some problems involving mass. Please watch the following video and have a go at the activity sheet.
Four Operations With Mass Activity Sheet
WALT: describe the characters of Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker
If you remember last week we discussed the characters of Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker from the story ‘James and the Giant Peach.’ You worked with your partners to brainstorm words and phrases to describe the two horrible aunts. Your plans are in school, so I have taken all of your ideas and jotted them down on a document below. There are also two pictures that you can have up on screen.
I would like you to describe the characters of Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker. Think about what they look like, but also think about their personality and the way they treat James. Write your descriptions on a piece of paper or in a notepad.
See if you can use-
1) expanded noun phrases and
2) similes
3) exclamation marks!!!
If you manage to get them written by this afternoon’s Zoom, we could try and hear some of your sentences.
Words And Phrases To Describe The Aunts
Aunt Sponge And Spiker Pictures
Today make sure you can access the spelling lists that are on last Friday afternoon’s page. Take some time today to do your spelling sentences and practise the spellings.
WALT: understand high and low pitch
Watch the following video and join in with the music teacher!
Have fun!! I would love to see any videos you make of your singing!
Tuesday 6th July
Don’t forget our Zoom today at 9.30am where I will be reading James and the Giant Peach and we can find out what happens next!!
If you can’t attend any of the Zooms and don’t want to miss out on any of the story you can catch up by listening to it being read by someone else on the link below. Yesterday I read Chapter 12 to Chapter 13 which is from approx 35:23 minutes to 39:30minutes.
WALT: solve problems involving mass
To warm up your maths brains today, start by saying your five times table out loud. Can you do it without stopping?
Today you are going to be solving another problem!! You can choose from the one star challenge or the two star challenge. You do not need to do both!!
One star challenge: Fill Shopping Trolley. Use your number bonds to 12 to help you. You can pick two or more vegetables to make the total.
Two star challenge: Journey to Mars. You need to remember that there are 1000g in 1kg. For either activity see how many different ways you can come up with!!
Have a go at Dragon’s Den and sort the words into real or fake. You click on which phonemes you want to revise individually or select ‘Revise All.’
Complete the activity sheet using this week’s spellings.
Complete the activity sheet to find this week’s spellings.
Activity Sheet Crack The Code Contractions
WALT: read a text and show understanding
Today I would like you to have a go at the Roald Dahl comprehension. Remember Roald Dahl is the author of James and the Giant Peach. There are 3 star levels to choose from. Choose the one that you are most comfortable with. Please do not do all three!! If you do not have access to a printer, read the text on the screen and write the answers on a piece of paper.
Art: Drawing Techniques
WALT: experiment with mark making
For this lesson you will need some plain paper, a pencil or a pen and some pencil crayons/ felt pens/wax crayons.
Watch the video and I am sure you will enjoy the activities you are asked to do.
Wednesday 7th July
Don’t forget our Zoom today at 2.15pm where I will be reading James and the Giant Peach and we can find out what happens next!!
Start today by warming up your brain. Can you say the two times table out loud in order, without stopping?
WALT: revise counting coins
Today we are going to revise our work from a while back on counting coins. Watch the video and join in with the activities. Then complete the activity sheet. If you do not have access to a printer, just write down the answers on paper or in a notepad, or ‘speak’ the answers to a grown up. At the end of the lesson, there is a True or False question for you to think about. You DO NOT need to print this out. Just say the answer out loud while you have the question up on screen!!
Count Money In Pence Activity Sheet
True Or False Count Money Pence
Have a look at the powerpoint presentation ‘What can you see?’ Try and guess what you can see through the binoculars, then read all of the words using your phonics skills.
Phase 5 What Can You See Powerpoint
Please complete the handwriting sheet. Choose from the precursive (print) or the cursive (joined). You do not need to do both-just the one that you are most comfortable with.
Please complete the handwriting sheet. Choose from the precursive (print) or the cursive (joined). You do not need to do both-just the one that you are most comfortable with.
Precursive Handwriting Contractions
Cursive Handwriting Practice Contractions
WALT: use possessive apostrophes
Last week we looked at how to use apostrophes for possession. Remember, this is when we talk about objects belonging to people or things e.g Instead of saying ‘This is the pencil case belonging to Ruby’, we can say ‘This is Ruby’s pencil case.’
Have a go at the questions on the warm up powerpoint, then I would like you to write some sentences using apostrophes for possession based on characters from James and the Giant Peach. Use the pictures below to help you. You do not need to print them out. Just have them on screen while you write your sentences. Aim for 6 sentences.
Here are a few examples:
The Old Man’s trousers are red and white.
The Earthworm’s skin is pink and shiny.
James counted Centipede’s boots.
Apostrophes For Possession Presentation
WALT: recognise our worries.
Today you are going to read the sweet little story of the Cautious Caterpillar. Before you read the story, see if you can find out what the word ‘cautious’ means. You might be feeling a little bit like the Cautious Caterpillar as you are about to start your journey into Year 3. Cody is worried about the changes that will happen to him as he becomes a butterfly. You might have some worries and some concerns about how things will change when you get into the Juniors. This is only natural. We will be talking a lot more next week about the things that you are looking forward to and the things that you might be worried about. We can spend some time answering any questions you have, but in the meantime read the story and complete the activity sheet. Remember you do not need to print out. You could write your ideas down on some paper or in a notepad.
The Cautious Caterpillar Presentation
Cautious Caterpillar Think, Feel, Say Activity
Thursday 8th July
Don’t forget our Zoom today at 9.30am where I will be reading James and the Giant Peach and we can find out what happens next!! Also we decided that we would have a ‘Show and Tell’ session, as we have been unable to do much of this in school over the past few months. If you would like to, bring something precious and special to you and you can talk about it if you wish. I will bring something along too!!
Love from Mrs Joyce xx
Start today by warming up your brain. Can you count in threes to 36 without stopping?
WALT: count in pounds
Today we are going to be counting in pounds and pence. Watch the video and then complete the activity sheet. At the end of the lesson, there is a True or False question for you to think about. You DO NOT need to print this out. Just say the answer out loud while you have the question up on screen!!
Count Money In Pounds Activity Sheet
True Or False Count Money Pounds
Thursday is our spelling test day. Use this time to have your weekly test. This will be your last test so ‘Reach for the Stars!!’ Good luck!
WALT: understand why colour is so important in art.
Today we are carrying on with our drawing unit of work you started on Tuesday. You will be thinking about how colours make you feel and how we can express ourselves using colour. You will need pencils, crayons, felt pens and any other drawing tools you might have.
Enjoy and express yourself!!
P.E/Golden Time
Thursday afternoon is usually P.E and Golden Time. I know it is difficult when we can’t go far to exercise, so try and be as creative as you can. There are some Fitness Circuit suggestions below if you need some ideas. You do not need to print these out, just have a look at them on screen.
Friday 9th July
What a treat we have for you this afternoon. As part of the Friends of Buckstones Treat Day (which Year 2 are having next week) you are going to be watching a virtual magic show!!!! But you don’t have to wait until next week, you are going to watch it LIVE with the rest of the school this afternoon at 1.15pm!!! The login details will be on Tapestry.
Abracadabra! Enjoy!!!!
Don’t forget our Zoom today at 2.15pm where I will be reading James and the Giant Peach and we can find out what happens next!!
Let’s have a maths games day!! You can choose from the following websites. There are lots of games to choose from.
Start today by warming up your brain. Can you count in twenties to 300 without stopping?
If you would like to have a go at a maths quiz to see how much you have learned in Year 2, you might want to have a look at one of these sets of questions.
WALT: design a comic strip page
Think about your favourite part of the story of James and the Giant Peach so far. You are going to re-tell that part of the story in pictures and words. Use one of the templates below or you could draw your own. You can use speech bubbles to show what the characters might be saying to each other. Favourite sections so far might include
a) James meeting the Old Man in the garden.
b) People coming to visit the famous giant peach in Aunt Sponge and Aunt Spiker’s garden.
c) James finding his way into the the peach and meeting the creatures.
You may want to access the Joe Wicks, Cosmic Kids or Mrs K’s Dance videos. Maybe you could choose your favourite song and make up a dance!! You could even make a little obstacle course in your garden. I would love to see what you get up to!!!
There will be no new spellings set for next week. There will not be a Grand Spelling Test either. I think you all deserve a rest as you have worked so hard this week under very difficult circumstances.
We have got lots and lots of lovely things planned for you next week. Yay!!!!!
We can’t wait to see you!
Lots of love from Mrs Joyce and Mrs Kulczycki
Next week, please could you all bring in your P.E kits on Monday and keep them in school for the rest of the week. At some point during the week we will be doing our own Sports Day and if we have our kits already in school, we can nip out when the weather is nice!!!
Tuesday- Year 2 Friends of Buckstones Treat Day
On Tuesday 13th July Year 2 will be having their Treat Day. You may come to school dressed in rainbow colours!! We have a lovely day of activities planned for you!!!!
Thursday 1st July
Oh Year 2, I am so sorry that our bubble has had to close again, just as we were getting back into the swing of things. 😥😥 We were just doing our spelling tests weren’t we when we got the news about our bubble closing. Remember to tell your parents how well you did today!!!
I will put some lessons on for tomorrow and next week.
Today we would have been doing our Beat That Maths, so I have attached an example of the Year 1 and the Year 2 Learn Its for you to have a go at today. Good Luck! I know you can do it!!!
Try and read your school reading book today. Over the next few days when you have read your school books, remember to access Oxford Owl. Also don’t forget to jot down any books in your reading journal that you read over the next few days.
This afternoon it would be Golden Time and P.E. We would have been doing our sporting challenge this afternoon as set by the Olympic Athlete. (If you missed it last week, the video link is on Tapestry 23rd June) We will try again and do this when you return to school. In the meantime maybe you could create your own set of four exercises, 1 minute for each!!! I would love to see what you get up to and what you invent to keep yourself fit!! 🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♂️🏃♂️🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♂️🏃♂️
Here are the Beat That examples:
Friday 2nd July
Good Morning Year 2! I hope you are all OK after yesterday’s sad news. Here are your lessons for the day.
I know it is difficult if you don’t have a printer, so please do the best you can and write down the answers on a piece of paper or in a notepad. Please don’t worry.
WALT: read scales
This week we have been looking at the mass of objects. If you remember, on Tuesday you went outside in the sunshine with the bucket balances to see which objects weighed more or less or equal to 500g. Then on Wednesday you began to read the scales on some drawings of bathroom scales and kitchen scales. Today I would like you to watch the Lesson Presentation below and then complete the activities. If you are up for a challenge you can also have a go at the Mastery Activity Cards.
WALT: describe the different stages of a plant life cycle.
Remember this week we have watched some videos and discussed the plant life cycle. I have attached a presentation below to refresh your memory.
Unfortunately the pictures that we cut out are in your science books at school. So you could either cut out the pictures again or draw the pictures. I would like you to write a couple of sentences explaining what is happening at each stage of the life cycle. There is a list of words that may help you below.
Life Cycle Of A Plant Presentation
Afternoon Activities
Friday afternoon is P.E time. I know it is difficult as you cannot go out and about. Maybe you could access some of the online fitness activities including Joe Wicks, Cosmic Kids, Mrs Kulczycki’s dance videos. Or if you didn’t manage to do your Olympic Fitness Challenge yesterday, have a go at that!!
Take care all of you and try and keep smiling.
Have a lovely weekend,
Love from Mrs Joyce
Please find attached next week’s spellings. Sorry I thought I had already put them on last night!!!
Rockets: Summer 2 Week 9 Rockets Contractions
Comets: Summer 2 Week 9 Comets o as in mother
Stars: Summer 2 Week 9 Stars revision split digraph
Monday 21st June
Hello Everyone and welcome back to a new week. I hope you are all well and have had a restful weekend. Thank you for sharing your wonderful work with me on Tapestry. I really enjoyed reading your mosque poems and your snail reports were SNAILTASTIC!!!! 🐌🌼 🐌🌼🐌🌼🐌🌼 🐌🌼🐌🌼🐌🌼🐌
Well done for practising your 2 times table so well. I hope many of the facts are now sticking in your mind and you can recall many of them!!
Here is your work for the week.
WALT: understand litres
Last Thursday you were looking at millilitres. Can you remember how many millilitres there are in a litre? If you have time and it is OK with your parents, have a look around the house to see what you can find that is measured in litres or millilitres, for example juice, shampoo and milk.
Today you are going to be looking at litres. Please watch the video and complete the follow up sheet.
There is also a true or false question for you to answer at the end of the lesson!
Stars: Phase 5 revision. Use the Powerpoint and see if you can read all of the Phase 5 words! Can you put each one into a spoken sentence. You don’t need to write anything down.
Phase 5 Phonemes Powerpoint Sizzling Sausages
Comets: Handwriting: Choose from precursive letters or joined
Handwriting Practice joined hiker hiking
Handwriting Precursive ing as in hiking
Rockets: Handwriting: Choose from precursive letters or joined
Handwriting Joined a as in wander
Handwriting Precursive a as in wander
WALT: understand the story of Peter Rabbit
Today we are going to listen to the story of ‘Peter Rabbit’ by Beatrix Potter. Some of you may have been lucky enough to see the films at the cinema. The original story of ‘The Tale of Peter Rabbit’ was published in 1902, so nearly 120 years ago!!!
You can either watch the video below, or read along using the Powerpoint Presentation
Tale Of Peter Rabbit Presentation
Then I would like you to think about the beginning of the story and imagine that Flopsy, Mopsy and Cotton Tail are trying to persuade Peter Rabbit not to go into Mr McGregor’s garden. What would they say to him? Try and include three commands in your writing. If you are unable to print, you can do your writing on a separate sheet. Use capital letters and full stops and if you think it is appropriate, use exclamation marks.
Stay With Us Peter Rabbit Activity Sheet
WALT: observe plants very carefully
We are starting our new science topic all about plants. Today we are going to think about the different parts of a plant and tree. Have a look at the presentation below.
Then I would like you to have a go at drawing plants and trees that you can see in your garden very carefully. You could draw the whole plant and tree, or you could draw some individual leaves very carefully or even try a bark rubbing. Look really carefully at the shape of the flowers and leaves. You can use the template below or use some paper of your own.
Lesson Presentation Observing Plants
Activity Sheet Tree Observation
Activity Sheet Flowering Plant Observation
Tuesday 22nd June
Remember to log in to assembly at 10am if you can. It will be lovely to see you.
WALT: solve problems involving capacity
Today you are going to be using your skills of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division to solve some problems. Parents please note that on the activity sheet, Question 5 is quite tricky. It can be solved using column subtraction, which we covered last week in school, but the children will need to remember that because there are not enough ones in the ones column to perform the subtraction, they will have to borrow a ten from the tens column!!
Here is today’s true or false question:
Stars: complete the split digraph u-e activity
u -e Phoneme Spotter Comprehension
Comets: Spelling Activity: Crack the Code
Activity Sheet Crack The Code ing as in hiking
Rockets: Spelling Activity: Crack the Code
Activity Sheet Crack The Code a as in wander
WALT: read and understand information about rabbits
Today we are going to learn about real rabbits!!! Have a go at one of the comprehensions below. There are three levels of challenge to choose from. You only need to do one!! Parents, please note that the fact file and the questions are in separate files. Remember, you do not need to print out if you cannot or do not wish to. Read the information on screen and then write your answers as best you can on a separate piece of paper.
Rabbit Fact File One, Two Or Three Star
Rabbit Questions One, Two Or Three Star
WALT: design an Islamic pattern
Get creative and design an Islamic pattern in Purplemash. It has 2 lines of symmetry! Try and use some fine detail and only 3 colours!
Click on the following link into Purplemash:-
Click on the ‘Find my school’s login page’ and start typing in ‘Buckstones’. Buckstones Primary School will appear, please then click on it and then click ‘Go to school portal’ in the bottom right. You can then add the username and password. A reminder of the username and password for Purplemash has been sent on Tapestry. It’s the same that we were using in previous lockdowns.
Wednesday 23rd June
WALT: understand how temperature is measured
Start by watching the video which talks about temperature. At the end of the video it talks about you measuring the temperature outside the classroom, which obviously we cannot do at the moment, so don’t worry about that.
Then complete the following activity sheets. The second one is all about recording the temperature over the next five days, including today. You will be able to find out this using the internet. At the end of the five days there are some questions to answer about the information you have collected. I realise that this runs over the weekend, but it would be brilliant if you could complete it.
On the temperature adjective sheets, if you would rather just write the words on a piece of paper instead of printing them and cutting them out that is absolutely fine. When you have put the temperature words in order, see if you can say a sentence using a different word each time. You do not need to write these sentences down.
Temperature Adjectives Activity Sheet
Stars: read Phase 5 split digraph words and answer the yes/ no questions. You do not have to print these out. Take your time and use your phonic skills carefully.
Split Digraph Yes No Questions
Rockets and Comets: You are going to have a look at the ‘Spelling Frame’ website. There is a free game connected to our Year 2 spelling patterns. Remember when you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days so I cannot tell you in advance what it is going to be!!!
When the game loads, click on the blue ‘PRACTICE‘ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern as your spellings.
WALT: design and describe a scarecrow
Mr McGregor in the story of Peter Rabbit makes a scarecrow to stop the blackbirds from eating his seeds and plants. I would like you to design a scarecrow, draw it first and colour if you can. Then I would like you to write at least five sentences to describe what it is made from, what it looks like and how it will scare the birds away!!
WALT: understand how to be safe in the sun
Do you remember in our last lesson, we talked about some of the dangers in the home, for example the dangers of electrical items? Today we are going to be looking at how to be safe in the sun.
Watch the following Presentation. Remember to click on the finger icons that say ‘Do It’ or ‘Discuss It’ as they will give you more information.
Then I would like you to design a poster to warn people of the dangers of the sun and what we must do to protect ourselves in the heat. You can use the templates provided if you wish or use a piece of plain paper.
Design A Safety In The Sun Poster
If you would like to, you might want at some point this week to design your own sun hat!!
Sports For Champions/ PE
Today would have been Sports For Champions Day.
Unfortunately, our Sports Champion Athlete- Ayaz Bhuta has not been able to come into school but he has made us a personalised video instead.
I have uploaded the link to the video on Tapestry.
Please watch the inspirational video.
We will complete the circuit challenge in school next week when we are all back together again but if you want to have a go at home- feel free! Good luck!
Thursday 24th June
WALT: understand how temperature is measured
Today we are going to be looking in more detail at temperature. Watch the video and complete the activity sheet.
There is also a true or false question for you to answer at the end of the lesson!
Don’t forget to record the temperature for today!
Spelling/Phonics-all groups
Today it is spelling test day, so use this time to have your spelling test. Good luck everyone!!
WALT: understand the parts of a plant that we can eat
Today we are going to think about which parts of a plant that we can eat. Have a look at the presentation below. Then complete the activity sheet in which you have to sort the food into the correct group depending upon which part of the plant it comes from. If you are unable to print or if you would prefer to, draw a chart onto a piece of paper and write the names of the food in the boxes instead. Your challenge is to think of an extra one of your own for each box if you can!!
Lesson Presentation Plants that we eat
Activity Sheet Plants that we eat.
If you have time and you would like to see how fruit is grown and picked, watch this cute video with William Whiskerson the mouse!!
Thursday afternoon is P.E afternoon. You might like to do some keep fit in the garden or set yourself up a little obstacle course!! Whatever activity makes you fell happy and keeps you fit would be wonderful!!
Golden Time
You have all worked so hard this week. Relax and read a book, watch a film or play your favourite game. Enjoy!!!
Friday 25th June
Good Work Assembly
Remember to log in to assembly at 1.30pm if you can. It will be lovely to see you.
WALT: solve word problems involving capacity and volume
Today you are going to be doing some more problem solving involving capacity and volume. Read the question carefully and look out for the important words which will help you to work out whether you need to add, take away, multiply or divide. Make sure you write the sum as well as the answer!! Choose from either the one or the two star challenge;
Capacity Word Problems 1 Star Challenge
Capacity Word Problems 2 Star Challenge
Don’t forget to check today’s temperature and record your results on the thermometers!! (Or on a piece of paper is fine)
WALT: create expanded noun phrases
Today you are going to show me how good you are at using expanded noun phrases.
Complete the activity below and remember, you do not have to print the sheet out. You can write your phrases/sentences on a separate piece of paper. Try and use some WOW words that you have never used before!
Choose either Part A or Part B. You do not have to do both sections!
Expanded Noun Phrases Activity Sheet
P.E/Afternoon Activities
Friday afternoon is P.E afternoon. Remember you can access the Joe Wicks videos on You Tube, Cosmic Kids Yoga activities or use Mrs Kulczycki’s dance videos which are on the drop down section of School Life on the home page of the school website.
You might also like to complete any of the activities that you might not have been able to do this week.
Spellings for next week
Here are your spellings for next week.
Rockets: Summer 2 Week 8 Rockets tion
Comets: Summer 1 Week 8 Comets dropping dropped
Stars: Summer 2 Week 8 Stars e-e
Thank you all so much for keeping in touch with us. It has been a strange week hasn’t it? We have missed you so much and can’t wait to see you all on Monday! Won’t be long now!! Yay!!!!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Love from Mrs Joyce and Mrs Kulczycki xx 😍😍😍
Thursday 17th June
Good Morning!
I am sorry that we are not together today. Here is your work for today.
Remember to keep refreshing the page otherwise you may not see the updated work.
WALT: to write an acrostic poem about the mosque
Yesterday we watched a video about what it is like inside a mosque. Today I would like you to write an acrostic poem based on the word ‘mosque’. Do you remember we brainstormed a lot of words together that we could use to start each line with? I have attached the list below. Use the template provided or you can do it on your own paper. (Parents please note sometimes when I send lined documents, the lines don’t always appear to you as they appear to me!!)
Remember, don’t just use single words, try and write sentences or phrases beginning with that letter. Be creative and you can illustrate your poem to make it look beautiful.
Words For Acrostic Mosque Poem
Spelling Test
Please have your spelling test today. Good luck!!!
WALT: understand millilitres
Today we are going to continue our work on capacity, in particular understanding millilitres.
Please watch the video below and then complete the activity sheet.
Remember Thursday afternoon is P.E afternoon, so you could access the Joe Wicks videos on You Tube, Cosmic Kids Yoga or Mrs Kulczycki’s dance videos.
Golden Time
We also have Golden Time on a Thursday! Reward yourself with some Golden Time. You might want to play your favourite game, play with a favourite toy or just relax with a good book or film. 😃😃😃
I will put tomorrow’s work on a little bit later. Take care all of you and stay safe.
Love from Mrs Joyce and Mrs Kulczycki 💗💗
Friday 18th June
Good Morning Everyone!
Can I remind you that work is to be uploaded via Tapestry. I look forward to seeing your wonderful efforts very soon!
Here are your activities for today!
WALT: write a snail report
Do you remember on Wednesday we read the Big Book all about snails? Today you are going to write your snail report. I know that you do not have your plans with you at home, so I have done one for you below, if you wish to use it. Your report will need to be written under various headings e. g What does a snail look like? What does a snail eat? etc. Some of you used different words for your headings (e.g appearance, nutrition) and if you can remember them, and want to use them instead , that is fine too!
Remember to write in full sentences, with a capital letter and a full stop. Show me as many different English skills as you can, including;
expanded noun phrases e. g The snail has a smooth, fragile shell.
conjunctions– and, or, but, when, if, that, because
commas in lists– The snail has enemies including blackbirds, ducks, rats and mice.
WALT: learn our two times table by heart, including the division facts. 
Today we are going to have a mental mathematics lesson! We have been busy this week revising our times tables haven’t we? Today we will concentrate on the two times tables. I would like you to have a warm up using ‘Hit the Button‘ (both multiplication by 2 and division by 2) and then complete the activity sheet below. Choose from the 1 star, or 2 star or 3 star activity, whichever suits you best.
Remember what we have talked about Year 2, if you have a sum like this 10 x 2, it is saying count in 2’s ten times.
If you have a sum like this 12 ÷ 2, it is saying how many 2’s are there in 12?
Instant Recall Of The Two Times Table
Don’t forget to join us for Good Work Assembly at 1.30pm. The link is on Tapestry. 😀😀😀
WALT: make a Father’s Day card
On Sunday 20th June it is Father’s Day when we celebrate our love for our dads, grandfathers, uncles or anyone special who cares for us. To find out more about Father’s Day, how it came about and how it is celebrated, have a look at the presentation below.
Then it would be lovely if you could make something for your Dad or a special someone who cares for you. There are some ideas below or you can think of your own ideas if you are feeling creative. I would love to see your ideas on Tapestry.
Fathers Day Card 5 Things I Love
Spellings for next week
Here are your spellings for next week.
Summer 2 Week 7 Comets er, ed, est and ing
Summer 2 Week 7 Rockets a in watch squash
Take care everyone!
Love from Mrs Joyce and Mrs Kulczycki xxx
Year 2 had a fantastic day celebrating the Queen’s official birthday, on what would have been Prince Phillip’s 100th birthday! The children all came dressed in red, white and blue to mark the occasion. We had made scones for our party in the afternoon and the children enjoyed these with cream and jam, along with other treats. They played games outside in the sunshine and created the most beautiful flags and learned about the Windsor family tree. Well done Year 2, we are proud of you as always!
Week beginning 9th June 2021
Hello Everyone!
I hope you have had an amazing break and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine! I am really looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!
Don’t forget on Thursday 10th June, we are having a birthday celebration for Queen Elizabeth. It is her ‘official’ birthday on Saturday 12th June. 👸👑Come to school in red, white and blue clothes, but wear some comfy shoes (or bring your trainers) so that we can play some games outside. Will not be having P.E on Thursday, but we will be having it on Friday.
Please note, there is no spelling test this week. New spellings will be sent out on Friday.
Enjoy the last day of the holiday!
Maths Homework 28th May 2021
Here is the link to the ‘Hit the Button’ game for practising the 2, 5 and 10 times tables. The link takes you to a site called Topmarks. Click the green ‘Play Game’ button and select ‘Times Tables.’
Maths Homework 14th May 2021
Hello Everyone!
Here is the link to the ‘Telling the Time Game’ which may be useful for your child.
Scroll down until you see the picture of the bear in the bowler hat!
Once you have clicked on the yellow PLAY button you can select the level/s appropriate for your child. The levels start at reading the time to the hour, through to reading the time to the nearest 5 minutes. You may find that your child needs some revision of half past and quarter past/to before they play the next level.
Remember telling the time can be very tricky, especially minutes to the hour and will need lots of practise:)
You do not need to worry about Level 5 ,which is reading time to the minute, as this will be covered at KS2.
Thank you!
Hello Everyone!
Welcome back to the Summer Term. 🌞We hope you have had a lovely Easter Break. I hope you are looking forward to the weeks ahead and all of the exciting learning we will be doing!
Year 2 Curriculum
Our topics for the Summer Term
We will be studying the achievements of these two very important Queens.
Queen Victoria
Queen Elizabeth II
Living things and their Habitats
We will be finding out about the main habitats of the world, as well as studying the range of animals that live in our local environment.
In this topic we will be observing how seeds and bulbs grow into plants and what conditions they need to stay healthy.
Daffodils and tulips grow from bulbs. Broad beans grow from seeds.
We will be answering these questions:
How should we care about others and the World? What makes some places scared?
We will be improving our drawing skills and learning how to achieve different shades using one grade of pencil. We will then be developing our drawings using colour. Our theme will be INSECTS!!!
Reading- 10 to 15 minutes a night.
Practise weekly spellings and common exception spellings
Literacy/ Numeracy activity usually given on Friday to be completed for the following Friday.
Thursday and Friday- outdoor kit and trainers needed for P.E.
Thursday- Spelling Test. Red spelling folders to be returned to school.
Friday- new spellings given out.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you need any further information. We will get back to you as soon as we can. Mrs Joyce and Mrs Kulczycki
Week beginning 1st March 2021
Hello everyone and welcome to a new week. Thank you for all of the wonderful work you have been sending me. I relly enjoy looking at it and it makes me feel very proud of you all. It was lovely to see so many of you on Zoom on Friday. You really made us all smile with your wonderful jokes!!! 🤣🤣🤣
Here are your activities for the week.
Monday 1st March
WALT: Make predictions
In this lesson we will read a new story about the two eagles from last week and make predictions about what will happen next.
Start the video below at 5:15 minutes. You do not need to do the spelling activity, as we will be covering this pattern in our spelling lessons later in the year.
Mrs Joyce
Watch the Twinkl Powerpoint Presentation about this week’s new pattern ‘el ’ and complete the missing squares activity. Ensure that you know the meaning of the words.
Mrs Kulczycki
Watch the Twinkl powerpoint presentation about this week’s spelling pattern ‘soft c’ and check that you know the meaning of each word.
Miss Ewbank
Revise the Phase 4 tricky words by clicking on the link below:
Select Tricky Word Trucks, Phase 4, then select ‘tricky words.’
Then have a go at some of the activities in the following booklet: You can continue with these this week when you have some time.
WALT: distinguish between odd and even numbers
Today we will be revising the work that you did in Year 1 about odd and even numbers. Watch the video and complete the activity sheet.
WALT: identify human and physical features of St. Lucia
Today you are going to find out a little bit more about the island of St. Lucia. Have a look at the following presentation to find out what you can see and do on the island. THe first few slides will revise what we have done already.Then have a good look at the map of St. Lucia below. See what physical and human features you can find. Then complete a key for the map drawing your own symbols for 6 physical features and six human features. Finally, draw these symbols in the correct position on the blank map.
Tuesday 2nd March
WALT: explore character thoughts
Today you will be ‘hot-seating’ the chick in this lesson to build your empathy for his problem. You will then write thought bubbles for each stage of the chick’s problem to truly understand why this problem matters. Draw the thought bubbles into your blue book. Remember to leave enough space for your writing! I would expect at least two sentences for each thought bubble.😊😊
Start the video at 4:28. You do not need to do the spelling activity
Mrs Joyce
You are going to have a look at the ‘Spelling Frame’ website. There is a free game connected to our weekly spelling patterns . When you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days so I cannot tell you in advance what it is going to be!!!
When the game loads click on the blue ‘PRACTICE‘ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern as your spellings.
Mrs Kulczycki
You are going to have a look at the ‘Spelling Frame’ website. There is a free game connected to our weekly spelling patterns . When you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days so I cannot tell you in advance what it is going to be!!!
When the game loads click on the blue ‘PRACTICE‘ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern as your spellings.
Miss Ewbank
Watch this short video to introduce the sound ‘ew.’
Play Roll and Read Mat ‘ew’ from Twinkl. When you land on a word, put it into a sentence orally.
WALT : solve problems involving odd and even numbers.
Today you are going to use what you know about odd and even numbers to solve some problems.
Select from the activities below. Parents, there may be time to choose two of tha activities. I have included a reminder poster about which numbers are odd and which are even.
Odd And Even Addition And Subtraction two star
Odd And Even Investigation three star
WALT: understand secrets and surprises
Today I would like you to watch the following activity and then plan a nice surprise for someone in your household or one of your friends! I would love to hear what you do! Send me a picture on Tapestry.
Wednesday 3rd March
WALT: re-tell the story of the Eagle who thought he was a chicken.
Today I would like you to use all of your knowledge of the story of ‘The Eagle who thought he was a chicken ’ to re-tell the story in your own words, using your story map from last week to help you. As well as describing what happens in the story, don’t forget to talk about how the characters were feeling at different parts of the story. I have included your WILF checklist below to show you which English skills I am looking for in your writing. Put in as much detail as you can.
Re Tell The Eagle Who Thought He Was A Chicken
Mrs Joyce
Complete the following missing word activity.
Activity Sheet Find The Missing Word el
Mrs Kulczycki
Practise your precursive handwriting using instrokes and outstrokes.
Miss Ewbank
Read the ew postcard. Highlight the ‘ew’ words. Read again to gain confidence.
WALT: divide by 5
Today you are going to practise dividing by 5. Watch the video and complete the follow up activity sheet. There are extension sheets if you need them, but these will need discussion with a grown up.
WALT: understand the importance of chocolate production in Saint Lucia
Did you know that the island of Saint Lucia produces its own chocolate? On the Rabot Cocoa Plantation where cocoa is grown, they have even built a hotel called Hotel Chocolat!! Watch the following video to see a tourist make her own chocolate.
Then have a look at the following presentation which goes through how the cocoa beans are made into a bar of chocolate.
Use the grid below to show how cocoa pods are made into a chocolate bar. You do not have to use the grid. You can draw it more as a story map if you prefer. Underneath each picture write a sentence to show what is happening.
Thursday 4th March
WALT: read some information and answer questions
Much of the landscape of Saint Lucia is covered in rainforest. Today you will read all about the rainforest and understand a little more about the plants and animals which live there.
Parents please choose from the following comprehensions. There are three levels to choose from.
Mrs Joyce
Practise your precursive handwriting using instrokes and outstrokes.
Mrs Kulczycki
Make up your own wordsearch using this week’s spellings. Give it to someone to see if they can solve it!!
Miss Ewbank
Read through the flashcards ‘au’. Sort into real and nonsense. Use the real words in sentences. You don’t need to write them down. Speak them out loud. Make sure they are interesting!!
WALT: divide by 10
Today you are going to be practising dividing by 10. Watch the video and complete the activity sheet. There is an extension sheet if you need a challenge.
WALT: think about Spring as a time of new life
Today we are starting our R.E topic on ‘What does Easter mean to Christians?’ To start with I would like you to think about the season of Spring and how it is the season of new life. Have a look at the following presentation about Spring. What signs of new life are there? What changes happen in Spring? How is it different to the winter months?
I would now like you to write a poem about Spring using the template below. You are going to write an acrostic poem in which the first letter of each line spells out a word, in this case SPRING!!! I have included some examples to show you what I am looking for. You do not have to use the template. You can write straight into your home learning book if you prefer.
Examples Of Spring Acrostic Poems
Friday 5th March
WALT: design a new rainforest creature
Much of the land of St. Lucia is covered by rainforest. Watch the video, then the powerpoint presentation to learn a little bit about the animals of the rainforest. As you are reading the information think about which animals do you think have good qualities for living in the rainforest? Think about a sloth’s claws, a monkey’s long arms and a macaw’s beak.
Design a new rainforest animal! Draw a picture of a what it would look like and write whereabouts it would live in the rainforest and what special features it would have to help it live there. Your animal can be as imaginative as you can make it!
Rainforest Habitat presentation
Mrs Joyce
Read out loud the story of the Desert Dig and answer the questions relating to the story. Highlight the words containing the ‘el’ pattern.
Mrs Kulczycki
Play around with words. Add and subtract letters to make new words.
Miss Ewbank
Choose from the one, two or three star activity. Spell the words. The activity also includes other spelling patterns that you have done in the past. How many can you remember?
Don’t forget to finish your Phase 4 Tricky word booklet you started at the beginning of the week!
WALT: show what I have learned about division
Today I would like you to make a poster showing what you have learned about division. You might want to draw pictures, array, numberlines, write sentences, write calculations to show some division facts. I have shown you an example of a poster that I have done to give you an idea of what I am looking for.
Mrs Joyce Example Of Division Poster
Afternoon Activities
Have a look at these two lovely activities. Enjoy yourself!!
Golden Time
Reward yourself with some Golden Time. You might want to play your favourite game, go for a walk or just relax with a good book or film.
Next week’s spellings:
Spring 1 Week 8 Rockets al and il
We are so excited about seeing you all on Monday! 😀😀😀😀
You will have already received a letter from Miss Healey detailing the return to school arrangements for next week. We just wanted to remind you of a few extra things specific to Year 2.
*Please can your child bring with them their blue home learning work books (or paper) that they’ve been using for their learning at home over the last eight weeks, so that we can collect them all in.
*It’s really important that the children bring a full water bottle (*water ONLY) with them every morning as our water fountains are obviously not in use at the moment.
* Please can you make sure that your child has their reading book and reading journal with them next week.
* Just a reminder that children need to wear full school uniform, including school shoes, not trainers. The classroom can become quite chilly though (due to needing to keep windows open for ventilation) so if you want to send them with an extra hoody/jumper in case they’re cold, that is absolutely fine.
* Our P.E sessions will be back to Thursdays and Fridays. Both sessions will be outside, so an outdoor kit and trainers is essential. If the children bring their kit in on Thursday, wear it on Thursday, then leave it in school on Thursday evening, then we know we have got it in school ready for Friday’s lesson. The children will then bring their kit home on Friday.
* Finally, don’t forget that we are celebrating World Book Day on Friday 12th March– the children can come to school dressed as a book character for the day.
We can’t wait to have the whole class back with us on Monday! 🎉 To celebrate, the Infant staff have made a special World Book Day video for you – we thought we’d read you a nice story… see if you can guess who each of the 9 masked readers are before the big reveal at the end?! Click on the link sent via Tapestry to reveal all!!! 😀😀😀😀
Week beginning 22nd February 2021
Hello everyone and welcome back to a new half term. We hope that you had a lovely break and enjoyed spending a relaxing and happy time with your family. Thank you for continuing to share your lovely work with me on Tapestry. It was especially lovely to see you doing so well in the Grand Spelling Test!😀😀😀
NB New spellings. Remember, you will find this week’s spellings for the test on Thursday, listed at the end of Friday 12th February a little further down the page.
Here are your activities for the week.
Monday 22nd February
WALT: create a story matrix
Today we are going to be starting a new unit of work based on a story called ‘The Eagle who thought he was a Chicken!!’ You do not need to complete the spelling activity at the beginning of the video as we will be covering this spelling pattern later in Year 2. Start the video at approx 4:42 minutes to listen to the story. Also at the end of the story when Miss Cachin asks you to think about your favourite part of the story, you do not need to write anything down. Just have a little talk about it. 😁😁
Please feel free to draw your own story matrix or you can use mine below.
Mrs Joyce
Go through the Powerpoint Presentation below and try and guess the spellings as they are revealed. Make sure you understand the meaning of each word.
Mrs Kulczycki
Have a look at the Twinkl Powerpoint presentation and discuss the activities on each slide.
Miss Ewbank
Have a look at the Twinkl Presentation. Discuss the meaning of each of the words. Put each word into a super sentence orally.
WALT: make equal groups by sharing
We are starting a unit of work on division. To help you will need a set of similar objects to share e.g pennies, counters, lego blocks, crayons, or even little cut up squares of paper etc. Complete the Activity sheet. There are mastery sheets too if you are up for a challenge. Ask your grown up which one is suitable. You do not have to do them all.
Activity Sheet Make Equal Groups Sharing
Mastery Cards Make Equal Groups Sharing
WALT: Begin to identify features of the island of St. Lucia
Today we are off to the warmer place………another island very different to the Isle of Coll…..the island of St.Lucia!!! Watch the video and just like you did at the beginning of our Isle of Coll topic, make a brainstorm of as many things that you see on St. Lucia.
Tuesday 23rd February
WALT: To tell a story from memory
Listen to the video carefully and follow the instructions.
Mrs Joyce
Complete the ‘le’ wordsearch.
Mrs Kulczycki
You are going to have a look at the ‘Spelling Frame’ website. There is a free game connected to our Year 2 spelling patterns When you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days so I cannot tell you in advance what it is going to be!!!
When the game loads click on the blue ‘PRACTICE‘ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern as your spellings.
Miss Ewbank
Read real and nonsense ‘ph’ words. Complete the activity sheet.
WALT : make equal groups by grouping
Watch the video and complete the activity sheet. If you want to complete a mastery sheet, ask a grown up to decide which ones are suitable.
Activity Sheet Make Equal Groups Grouping
Mastery Cards Make Equal Groups Grouping
Today we are thinking about the emotion of anger. Have a look at the following video and complete the activity. The follow up activity asks you to design a ‘cool down’ area for the character called Bobby who you will meet in the video. I would like you to actually make one somewhere in your house if your grown- ups at home are OK with that. Or alternatively you could draw a picture of what you would like your ‘cool down’ area to look like. I would love to see some photos of anything you create!!
Wednesday 24th February
WALT: To explore a story problem from different characters’ perspectives.
Listen to the video below until 1:42 where Miss Cachin will set out the lesson objectives. Then fast forward to 5:53 minutes, where the screen says ‘Listen to an interview with a farmer.’ (You do not need to complete the spelling activity as we will cover this pattern later in Year 2)
Mrs Joyce
You are going to have a look at the ‘Spelling Frame’ website again. There is a free game connected to our Year 2 spelling patterns. Remember when you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days so I cannot tell you in advance what it is going to be!!!
When the game loads, click on the blue ‘PRACTICE‘ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern as your spellings.
Mrs Kulczycki
Have a go at the Mr Whoops Juggling Mistakes Activity Sheet!
Miss Ewbank
Complete the spelling activity. (Just one of the sheets) Put three of the words into written sentences. Can you use a conjunction to extend each sentence?
WALT: group using a numberline
Today we are going to be comparing sharing and grouping. This is an activity day with no accompanying worksheet. However, some of teaching today emphasises the use of the numberline to work out equal groups. I have attached some numberlines below, or you could use a ruler as a numberline!!
WALT: name the seven continents and five oceans of the world and locate St. Lucia
Today I would like you to have a look at where in the world St. Lucia is!!
Read the following presentation: Remember to click on ‘Enable editing’ and then ‘Slideshow’.
Powerpoint Of Where In The World ?
Do you remember the names of the seven continents and five oceans that you learned about in Year 1? Have a look at the colour map of the world below. Use this to fill in the continents and oceans on the blank map of the world. You will have to write quite small!!
Your next job is to find the location of St. Lucia on your map (by looking back at the powerpoint) and mark it on!!
Thursday 24th February
WALT: use the past progressive tense
Today we are going to learn about the past progressive tense and write sentences based on the story. Watch the video below and follow the instructions.
Mrs Joyce
It’s time to practise the precursive letters for this week’s spellings.
Mrs Kulczycki
See how quickly you can find the words on the wordsearch.
Miss Ewbank
Read the ‘wh’ flashcards and sort into real and nonsense groups.
WALT: divide by two
Today we are going to be dividing by two. Watch the following video and complete the activity. Remember to use your number line to count how many twos in 10, 6, 14 etc ……………….or use cubes/pennies/counters to help you. Parents, as the children meet more and more division by 2 sums, they will begin to learn them off by heart. Please draw the children’s attention to the fact that dividing by two will give them the same answer as halving.
There are extension sheets if they are appropriate to your child’s needs.
In today’s lesson we are going to continue coding on Espresso. We completed the first lesson of coding last term, which was Little Red Riding Hood. Today we are completing 2 lessons, ‘Key to the race’ and ‘Up in the air’. Don’t forget Espresso have redesigned their coding, so things look different.
Please click on the link below. The login details: your username and password were sent securely via ParentMail w/c 04/01/21.
Click on Level 2, then click on ‘Different sorts of inputs’, click on the second lesson which is ‘Key to the race’. As things are different, please watch the short video that appears straight away. It explains what you have to do. You will be coding to make the animals hide and show. You will then get the animals to race. There are 6 stages within ‘Key to the race’. When you complete the first one and press Run (the green button which is now at the bottom of the screen), you are ready to move onto the second page of 6. Just click the arrow at the top where is says 1/6, then you’ll move onto 2/6 and so on.
Once you have completed ‘Key to race’, then please complete ‘Up in the air’ in the same way. Watch the video first. You will be turning the aeroplanes. There are 5 stages in ‘Up in the air’.
If you didn’t manage to have a go at the coding lesson last time (28th Jan), please start from Little Red Riding Hood, as the coding progresses in stages and it will be easier to follow and understand.
Let us know how you get on!
On Zoom tomorrow, let’s have a giggle!!! If you would like to tell us your favourite joke, that would be fabulous. You don’t have to! You might just want to listen. 😁😁😁😁😁
Friday 25th February
WALT: write a description of the weather on St. Lucia
Today you are going to be travel agents! You want people to visit the island of St. Lucia by telling them about the glorious weather!!! Please watch the video below and listen to the important words and images which will describe the weather. Then I would like you to write a short paragraph describing the weather. (Parents please note, the children do not have to describe anything else about the island- just the weather. We will be studying other aspects of St. Lucia over the next few weeks.)
Miss Greenwood has done an example of a description of the weather in St. Lucia to give you some ideas. She has also provided you with some sentence starters to help you on your way. There is also a further list of words that might help you.
Mrs Joyce
Work out the meaning of clues and complete a crossword!! This is quite tricky, so you may need a bit of help.
Mrs Kulczycki
Complete the activity revising the past two spelling lists.
Activity Missing Words kn gn wr
Miss Ewbank
Read the ‘wh’ postcard out loud and highlight the ‘wh’ words
WALT: recall some of the division facts for the 2 times table.
Today we are going to play some games to practise dividing by two.
The first one is called Mental Maths Train. Click on the link below. Click on the picture of the train and select the ÷ 2 button. In this game the division is presented in different ways e.g ‘What is 20 shared by 2?’ or ‘What is 12 divided by 2?’ or ‘Share 8 by 2.’ It is OK at these early stages for you to use your fingers to do for example 10 ÷ 2, by counting in 2’s until you get to 10 and see that it took 5 fingers, which is therefore the answer. Again as I have said before, the more divide by 2 calculations that you do, the more you will learn by heart.
Then it is time for an old favourite, where there is a need for speed!!! It’s Hit the Button.
Click on the ÷ 2 button to play. Don’t forget, you can play ‘hit the answer’, or ‘hit the question!!!’
Have fun!!!
Afternoon Activities
Try these two lovely activities. One is to learn and sign along to ‘I am the Music Man’ and another is the musical story of ‘The Truly Awful Musicians!!’
Don’t forget to reward yourself with some Golden Time too!😀😀😀
Lots of love from Mrs Joyce, Mrs Kulczycki and Miss Greenwood xxx
Spellings for next week beginning Monday 1st March
Week beginning 8th February 2021
Thank you so much for sending in your lovely work via Tapestry. It was lovely to see you all on Zoom on Friday looking so FABULOUS!!!!
I am so glad you have had a go at some of the activities supporting Children’s Mental Health Week. I loved reading all about your positive qualities.💗💗💗
Also, I was so impressed with your instructions for how to defeat the Fire Giant. You worked so hard to include time openers, imperative verbs and adverbs. Well done!
We are having an art and craft week this week. I hope you enjoy the activities. Our focus will be on weaving patterns, including a look at the fabric called tartan. As you know Katie Morag is ALWAYS dressed in her tartan kilt!!!
Remember we are having a ‘Grand Spelling Test’ on Thursday. I put the last 5 weeks of spellings on last Friday’s page. Parents of children at home, please can you test your child on a total of 30 spellings, choosing 6 at random from each group. Use the spelling/phonics sessions next week to practise for the test.
Monday 8th February
WALT: compare Coll and Shaw
Today I would like you to think about what it would be like to live in Coll compared to living in Shaw.
Watch the two videos below, one shows aerial views of Shaw and the other is a poem about life on Coll. Hopefully these will inspire you to think about the similarities and differences of the two places.
Then complete the activity below.
Please practise your spellings for the Grand Spelling Test.
WALT: draw pictogram where one symbol represents two objects
This is an activity lesson with no accompanying worksheet. At the end of the video, you are asked to count vehicles (maybe that pass your window) If this is not convenient, then you may collect and record information of your choice. Remember to use a key where one symbol represents two objects.
WALT: design a tartan pattern
Today we are going to be looking at tartan. As you know Katie Morag always wears a tartan kilt. Have a look at the following presentation to learn a little more about what tartan is.
I would like you to design your own piece of tartan using horizontal and vertical lines that cross over each other. Remember to use only three or four colours in repeating patterns. Watch the following video to give you some ideas.
If you do not have access to paints; felt pens, markers, pastels or crayons will be just as great. If you would prefer a template to colour instead, there is a choice below.
I am looking forward to seeing your designs!
Tuesday 9th February
WALT: design a form of transport for Coll
Today I would like you to think about designing a form of transport that would be suitable for life on Coll. Remember, there are no trains or big aeroplanes on Coll. There are no motorways or busy roads. Ideas could include a new tractor for a sheep farmer or a new fishing boat for the fisherfolk of Coll. You might even think about a new beach buggy for the tourists to explore Coll. Draw a picture of it and label all of the different parts and functions.
Please practise your spellings for the Grand Spelling Test.
WALT: draw pictograms where one symbol represents two, five or ten objects.
Today we are continuing our work on pictograms, but today we are moving on to where one symbol might represent 2, 5 or 10 objects, so you need to use your brilliant counting skills today!! Watch the video and complete the activity.
There are mastery sheets too if you are up for a challenge. Ask your grown up which one is suitable. There are three to choose from.
Draw Pictograms 2 5 And 10 Activity Sheet
Mastery Cards Draw Pictograms (2, 5 & 10)
WALT: to weave using paper strips
Fabrics, including tartan are made by the process of weaving. Today we are going to learn to weave using paper strips. You will need to create yourself a loom first out of a piece of paper or cardboard. (This is called your warp.) Then you will need to cut out lots of strips to weave in and out (These are your weft.) There are some instructions below and a video if needed. Any paper or thin card, even newspaper or magazines or wallpaper could be used!
Top tip– make the weft strips longer than the width of the loom. This will make it easier for your weft pieces to be moved over and under the warp.
Enjoy making your paper weaving mat!!—m5j9I
Wednesday 10th February
WALT: read a text and answer questions
On 15th February when we are on half term. it will be Pancake Day!! Have a go at the following comprehension and learn all about why we celebrate Pancake Day. Parents, there are three levels of challenge, so choose the one that is most appropriate for you.
Please practise your spellings for the grand spelling test.
WALT: interpret information on a pictogram
Wow! You have been working so hard this week drawing pictograms. Today you are going to answer questions about pictograms, but be careful. Remember, sometimes one symbol might mean 2, 5 or 10 objects!!! Watch the video, then complete the activity sheet.
Again if you need a challenge then have a go at one/more of the mastery sheets.
Interpret Pictograms 2 And 10 Activity Sheet
Mastery Cards Interpret Pictograms (2, 5 And 10)
WALT: to weave using a variety of materials
We are going to use two lessons for this.
Today and tomorrow we are going to have a go at weaving with other materials. I appreciate that you may not have a wide selection of craft materials at home, but try and adapt the ideas as best you can. In school we are going to try the paper plate weaving, but you might want to try any of the ideas below. There is a video for paper plate weaving below, if this is the one you choose to do.
Paper plate weaving: (NB You do not need to use a needle as is shown in the video. You can thread the wool through with your hands.)
Thursday 11th February
WALT: write a postcard
Today you are going to imagine that you are on holiday on the Isle of Coll and that you are writing a postcard to Miss Healey. Tell her what you have seen on your holiday and what you have been doing. Things to think about could be: visiting the beaches, going on a boat trip, climbing the hills, visiting the bird sanctuary and spending the day on a farm. Don’t forget to describe some of the animals too!!! You can use the template below or use a piece of A4 paper.
Miss Greenwood has done an example of a postcard for you to read first, to hopefully inspire you with some ideas!!! She has also included some time openers that you may use. Don’t forget to use capital letters and full stops all the way through.
Please bear in mind that tomorrow we would like the children to design the front of the postcard, so if you can do it on a separate piece of paper rather than in your blue book, the two pieces can be stuck together back to back to make a ‘real’ postcard!!!
It is time for your Grand Spelling Test today. I know that you will all do amazingly well.
WALT: understand block diagrams
You have done so well with the pictogram work. Well done Year 2. Today we are going to look at a new way of displaying information. Watch the video and answer the questions on the Activity sheet.
Art/ ICT
Please continue your weaving from yesterday. If you have the chance you might like to use Purple Mash to create a tartan style jumper. Log in to the Purple Mash website using the link below. The Username and Password were sent via Parentmail at the beginning of lockdown.
Use the different colours and widths (change the width of your paintbrush using the triangle in the bottom left of the screen), to create your very own tartan. Start with thicker lines, then add thinner lines over the top or in between. You will notice the paintbrush appears as dots in a row. Keep drawing in a straight line horizontally to create lines across with equal distance, or draw vertically to join the dots up to create a straight line. Have fun! Take a screenshot/photo and send it on Tapestry. Here is an example that Mrs Kulczycki created for us:-
Friday 12th February
WALT: create a block diagram of our own using ICT skills.
You are going to create your own block diagram using the computer. Collect information from around your home. You might want to collect information about equipment in your pencil case, fruit in the fruit bowl, vehicles passing your house etc.
I would like you to log on to the Purple Mash website using the link below. The Username and Password were sent via Parentmail at the beginning of lockdown. When you click on the link, a blank block diagram should appear (It may initially show a vertical bar chart. Please change to the block graph which is the icon at the top which looks like boxes on top of each other). I would like you to enter each object e,g If you are doing items in a pencil case, type in pen, felt pen, rubber etc into the chart on the left hand side of the screen, along with how many of those objects there are. As you do so, watch what happens to the blocks on the diagram. Each time you type in , the blocks start to build up!!! Don’t forget to give your block diagram a title by clicking on ‘title’ at the top of the page.
Spend a few minutes talking about your block diagram with a grown up. Can you speak sentences using ‘more than’, ‘less than’, ‘the difference between’, the total of’…….
Here is an example we have created for you:-
Please take a screenshot/photo of your graph and send it on Tapestry or via e-mail.
Yesterday you wrote your postcards from the Isle of Coll. Today I would like you to design the front of the postcard. If you used the template from yesterday, or an A4 piece of paper, when you have finished your design cover today, you could stick it back to back with your writing and make a ‘proper’ postcard!!!
Try and make your design as colourful and bold as possible and include plenty of pictures!!
Afternoon Activities
It is nearly the start of the half term holiday. You can use the afternoon to relax in any way you choose. You could watch your favourite programme, go for a walk, play with your favourite toys or you might want to finish off any of the craft activities that you started this week.
It has been a very busy few weeks for you all. You have all worked extremely hard and we are so proud of you all. We hope you have a lovely half term and can relax and unwind.
Lots of love from Mrs Joyce, Mrs Kulczycki and Miss Greenwood xxx
Spellings for the first week back after half term.
Here are the spellings for the week beginning 22nd February:
Week beginning 1st February 2021
Hello everyone. I hope you have all had a lovely weekend and a well- deserved rest. It has been so lovely to see all of your photos and all of your work. You have worked so hard on your 5 times table and your two times table. I feel super proud of you all!!
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week. If you would like to find out more about this have a look at the website below. If you click on the Parent and Carer section there is some useful information.
A couple of afternoons this week we will be thinking about our wellbeing in our PSHE lessons. Also there will be an extra little activity to do each day if you wish. Remember we have our ‘Express Yourself’ non-uniform day for children at home and at school, when you can wear a colourful outfit for the day. (See Miss Healey’s message on Tapestry) Luckily our Zoom meeting is on Friday so we will be able to see you in all your glory.
Also, Boden (the clothing store) has produced a lovely range of fun activities – ‘Mini Missions’ – for children to try out … they are well worth a look!
Here are your activities for the next week.
Monday 1st February
WALT: use adverbs in sentences
Before we continue our work on instructions for defeating the fire dragon I would like you to learn what an adverb is. Have a look at the following presentation. Then using the one star activity sheet, change the adjectives (describing words) into adverbs. Next, choose five of the newly created adverbs and put each one into a brilliant sentence of your own!!
Lesson Presentation adverbs with ly
Activity Sheet Change the adjective
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Read the ir words. Sort them into two groups ; real and nonsense.
Choose 5 real words and put them into super sentences. You do not need to write them down. Speak them clearly to a grown up. Make them as interesting as possible.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
You have now completed learning the Phase 5 phonemes and the alternative spellings. Well done!! You are now starting a new spelling unit in which the focus will be on one/two spelling patterns a week. It will be these patterns that are tested on a Thursday in the weekly spelling test.
This week you will be learning to spell words containing the ‘gn’ and ‘kn’ graphemes.
Have a look at this week’s words on the Twinkl Presentation and follow the instructions. Parents remember to click on ‘Enable Editing’, then click on ‘Slideshow’ and ‘From Beginning’ in order for the presentation to work properly.
Parents please note, remember that you can still access the PhonicsPlay resources online. The children may need a little bit of revision on the Phase 5 phonemes every now and again.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
This week your focus is the ‘j’ sound , written as either ‘j’ or ‘g.’ Have a look at the following presentation and follow the instructions:
WALT: make tally charts
This week in maths we are moving on to looking at ways of representing information in charts, pictograms and block graphs. Today we will look at how to make tally charts. We did a little bit of this when we did our traffic survey in Shaw. Watch the video below. During the video the teacher will ask you to draw various tally charts. These can be done in your blue book or on a sheet of separate paper if you wish. At the end, the teacher asks you to make a tally chart of favourite fruit, but as there won’t be many people at home to ask, you might want to collect your own information e.g colours of lego bricks in a pot, different objects in a pencil case, colours of shoes in the shoe cupboard etc!!!
WALT: understand the difference between human and physical features
Last week you named some of the features on the Isle of Coll. Today I would like you first of all to watch a video showing the difference between human and physical features.
Then I would like you to look at the photographs of some of the features of Coll shown below and decide if they are physical or human. Draw or label the features in a chart of your own or use mine below if you wish. If you have access to a printer, you might want to cut the pictures out and stick them in the correct place on the chart. (Whoops this might be a bit of a squash and a squeeze as there is not much room!Sorry!)
Human And Physical Features Of Coll
Human And Physical Photos Of Coll
Relax somewhere really comfy and enjoy this Katie Morag story. .
Wellbeing- Express yourself: draw your feelings
This is a lovely little activity to draw how you are feeling today. Click on the link below.
Tuesday 2nd February
WALT: box up ideas for purpose
Today we are going to box up our ideas and plan our set of instructions for defeating the fire giants. Watch the video below and then create your own boxing up plan or you can use the template below. Remember, you are only jotting down ideas on the right hand side- just words and phrases that you want to use in your set of instructions. You do not need to write in full sentences. That is tomorrow’s job!!
Template for boxing up: Box Up Plan Fire Giants
Miss Ewbank’s Group
We are learning the phoneme ue. Watch the video ‘Mr Thorne does Phonics’ ue.
Then log in to PhonicsPlay and select Phase 5 resources and then choose Dragon’s Den. Select ue words. Read the words out loud and decide if they are real or nonsense.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Read aloud from ‘The Tale of the Knight and the Gnome’. Highlight any words that use the kn or the gn pattern.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Use the Jack and the Beanstalk story to identify the soft ‘g’ words. Read the story out loud and highlight the words with a colour.
Jack And The Beanstalk Phoneme Spotter
WALT: make and understand tally charts
Today we are continuing our work on tally charts. Watch the video and then complete the questions on the activity sheet. Parents, if you feel your child needs more of a challenge have a look at the ‘Mastery’ activity sheet. These will require adult guidance and question prompts.
Mastery Cards Make Tally Charts
PSHE- Worry
I know that we are living in very worrying times at the moment and you are all coping so brilliantly. Just spend 5 minutes talking to a grown up about things that are worrying you at the minute. Jot them down on a piece of paper if it helps. Then watch this Anthony Browne story about a little boy called Billy who worries about EVERYTHING!
Parents please note. The worry dolls talked about in this story come from the Central American country of Guatemala. They are made from tiny pieces of wood and scraps of cloth and thread. Long ago the children of Guatemala made these dolls and when they went to bed at night they would tell a worry to each one before placing them under their pillows and going to sleep.. To this day children in Guatemala trust their dolls to take away their fears as they sleep and this custom has now spread around the world.
I would then like you to make your own version of a worry doll to keep with you when you are feeling particularly worried about something. There are some ideas below, but please feel free to use your imagination and anything you can find at home is fine (peg, paper, twigs, old pencil, pipecleaners, lollipop sticks!! etc)
Wednesday 3rd February
WALT: begin to write our instructions
Today we are going to write the introduction and the equipment list for our set of instructions. Parents, if you watch the video below up to 8:36 minutes and your child feels confident to go ahead and write the introduction and the equipment list that’s great! If your child would like to watch Miss Cachin write her introduction and equipment list before they start, then continue to watch the rest of the video.
At 20:30 minutes, there is a challenge for you to look at your writing today and improve one of your sentences. Go for it!!
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Read the ue words at the bottom of the wordsearch and complete the wordsearch. This is tricky!!!
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
You are going to have a look at the ‘Spelling Frame’ website that we will be using quite a lot now. There is a free game connected to our Year 2 spelling patterns When you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days so I cannot tell you in advance what it is going to be!!!
When the game loads click on the blue ‘PRACTICE‘ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern as your spellings.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Today have a go at the spelling activity below.
Letter Shape Spellings Activity j g
WALT: draw pictograms
Today you will be introduced to pictograms. Listen carefully to the video. There is no activity sheet to have alongside you today.
Parents, please note; at around 6:18 minutes in the video, the children will be asked to go on a walk to collect information about animals. If it is not convenient to do this, then feel free to collect information from around the house again, like on Monday. The important learning today is that the pictogram needs a key and symbols to represent the objects.
Also, from 6:22 minutes, the teacher talks about using pictures instead of symbols and he starts talking about ‘Who eats the most bananas?’ You do not need to draw another pictogram, but just emphasise the point that on a pictogram, symbols might be replaced with pictures.
PSHE -Express Yourself :Wonderful me!!
Now, Mrs K and I know how just wonderful you all are!! 💜💙💚But we would like you to think about how wonderful you are too!!! We are going to have a really positive lesson thinking about your amazing qualities that make you so very, very special. Watch this short video about Henry and Leslie.
Then I would like you to complete one of the following activities. You could either make yourself a ‘Positivity Jar’…….using an empty jar or small box or container. You could decorate it if you can! Then fill your jar with little pieces of paper. On each strip of paper write something positive about yourself e.g I am funny, I am a good friend, I am a great dancer…..
Or you could complete the activity below or you might have another way of showing just how amazing you are!! Whichever way you want to do it is absolutely fine. You could share your ideas with us on Friday’s Zoom if you would like to!
Wellbeing- Cosmic Kids
At the end of a busy day you might want to have a quiet time in the Cosmic Kids Zen Den. Jaime explains how thoughts work. Remember there are lots of mindfulness activities or yoga adventures that you could try anytime here on Cosmic Kids.
Thursday 4th February
WALT: write instructions
Today we are going to write the first few instructions for how to defeat the fire giant. Watch the video below up until 9:32 minutes. At this point Miss Cachin will ask you to think about, and then write your first instructions up to the point where you sing to the Giant. Again, like we did yesterday if you are ready to write your instructions straight away, then continue now. If you would like to watch Miss Cachin demonstrate how she writes her first instructions, then continue to watch the video. Don’t forget to look at the WILF list below to see what I am looking for in your writing. When you have finished your instructions up to the point where you sing to the Giant, resume the video at 18:00 minutes into the video where Miss Cachin asks for you to try and improve one sentence in your writing! Good luck!
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Learn the phoneme aw. Watch the video ‘A tiger and a hawk’. Join in with the rhyme.
Then play Read and Roll aw words.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Read the sentences and fill in the missing gn and kn words.
Activity Sheet Find The Missing Word gn kn
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Today you are going to be practising your handwriting, using the instrokes and the outstrokes. This precursive letter formation will help you when we eventually come to join up our letters. Take your time to form each letter correctly.
Parents, there is a presentation below showing how to form each of the letters if your child is finding a particular one difficult.
WALT: draw pictograms
Today we are continuing our work on pictograms. I hope you had fun collecting your information and drawing your own pictogram yesterday!! Watch the video and if possible have the activity sheet alongside you, as the teacher will ask you to complete some of the questions as you go along.
Draw Pictograms Activity Sheet
If you would like to have a look at the extension sheet, please see below. This is completely optional and will require adult guidance and question prompts.
Activity Cards Draw Pictograms
WALT: locate human and physical features on a map of Coll.
Today I would like you to look at the map of Coll. (See below) Use the key on the left hand side to spot some of the features that we have already seen in previous lessons, including the beaches, the hotel and the piers. On the blank map of Coll I would like you pick three human and three physical features, draw a symbol for each of them on the key and then draw those symbols in the correct position on the map. Make sure the symbols on your key match the ones you draw on the map! If you would like to draw more features on your map that is great!
Wellbeing- The Squiggle Game!!
At the end of the day today you might like to try this activity to express yourself through drawing!
Friday 5th February
WALT: complete our instructions
Wow!! Today you are going to finish writing your instructions. There is no video to watch today.
I think you have everything you need in your brains to finish the instructions by yourselves. Yesterday you will have reached the instruction where you sing to the Giant to tempt him out of the house. Use your box plan from Tuesday’s lesson to complete your instructions. Don’t forget to tick off on your WILF list from yesterday the things that you have used in your writing. I am super excited about seeing your completed instructions. You have worked so hard on this unit of work.
WALT: interpret pictograms
Today we are going to look at some information on pictograms and answer questions to make sure we understand it. Watch the video below. You will need the accompanying activity sheet.
Interpret Pictograms Activity Sheet
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Can you spell the aw words? Spell the words. Can you choose two of the words and put them into a brilliant sentence? Choose the 2 star activity.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Today you are going to be practising your handwriting, using the instrokes and the outstrokes. This precursive letter formation will help you when we eventually come to join up our letters. Take your time to form each letter correctly.
Parents, there is a presentation below showing how to form each of the letters if your child is finding a particular one difficult.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
I know a lot of you had fun creating a wordsearch for someone in your family to solve. Today you are going to create another one using this week’s spelling pattern.
Wellbeing-Afternoon Activity
To celebrate the end of Children’s Mental Health week it would be lovely if you could have a nice, relaxing afternoon watching your favourite film. In school we are watching ‘Inside Out’, but you can watch anything that makes you feel good. So put your feet up and chill!!! You deserve it.💗💗
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Take care.
Love from Mrs Joyce, Mrs Kulczycki and Miss Greenwood
Next week’s spellings
There are no new spelling lists next week, as I would like the children to have a ‘Grand Spelling test‘ based on the lists from the past five weeks. I have included the sets of words for each group from the past five weeks below, so that you have the complete set to hand.
Please note there will be no daily activities for phonics/spelling set next week as I would like you to spend this time revising your spellings for the ‘Grand Spelling Test.’
New spellings will be given out on Friday 12th February.
Spring 1 Week 1 Stars CCVC Words
Spring 1 Week 1 Comets ie and igh
Spring 1 Week 4 Comets eer and ear
Spring 1 Week 5 Comets kn and gn
Spring 1 Week 1 Rockets kn and gn
Spring 1 Week 3 Rockets soft c
Spring 1 Week 4 Rockets dge and ge
Spring 1 Week 5 Rockets j and g
Week beginning 25th January 2021
Hello everyone. Here we are at the start of another week! We are so happy when we see your faces on Zoom. We hope you have had a lovely weekend and that you are all safe and well. Don’t forget on Tuesday’s Zoom you can bring your pet to the meeting or if you do not have a pet, please bring your favourite cuddly. Thank you for sending me your lovely work this week. I am so proud of how you are getting on with your multiplication. Well done for keeping up with your spellings and reading too. Supersonic wonderful!!
Buckstones have signed up to an American online reading scheme, which is currently available during this difficult time.
The log in details will be sent out by Parentmail, however please be aware of the time you log in, please see below.
Signing in with a parent’s email is easy and just requires you to verify the free account by clicking on an email and creating your own password.
Once you have selected your own name you can select a book of your choice. There is a wide variety including fiction, non-fiction, comics, a ‘read to me’ section where the words are highlighted as the narrator reads the story, videos and audiobooks.
You can amend the reading level by pressing on the button that looks like a barchart and AR next to it.
Your teacher will be able to see your reading progression and we look forward to seeing you enjoy this scheme!
*** We have been asked to share the following information with parents. ‘Progressive Sports’ are setting a weekly challenge for KS1 children to help them keep fit and healthy. Have a look at this week’s challenge below:
Here are your activities for this week.
Remember if you need any of last week’s information it will be lower down the page.
Monday 25th January
WALT: listen to a set of instructions and answer questions
This week we are going to be using the Oak Academy English lessons, following a unit of work all about instruction writing. We are moving on from writing dragon stories, towards writing a set of instructions about how to defeat a Fire Giant!! In stories from long ago, it was believed that Fire Giants were creatures that guarded the sun and protected its fire.
Watch the video below and the teacher will guide you through the activities. You will need some paper and a pencil.
You can turn the subtitles off if you wish, using the third icon along on the right hand side of the screen.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Revise the Phase 3 phonemes playing ‘Flashcards Speed Challenge’. Click on the link below and select Phase 3.
Today you are going to read words with ‘ea.’ Play the Read and Roll game for ‘ea’ words.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Can you remember the story that you read on Friday, all about the cub trip to Magic Mountain? There were lots of ‘air’ sounding words. Have a look at the different ways of spelling the ‘air’ sound using the sheet below.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Have a look at the Twinkl powerpoint. Look at the two rules whether to use ge or dge. Are there any words you do not understand? Can you orally put these words into sentences. You do not need to write anything down.
WALT: begin to understand the 2 times table
Today we are looking at the two times table. You will need access to the worksheet as the teacher will refer to it a little way through the video. Watch the video up to the part when the teacher says ‘Have a go at Questions 4 and 5 on the worksheet, which is approximately 7:17 minutes. Please do not complete Question 6, along with the rest of the video. It is not necessary today.
Two Times Table Activity Sheet White Rose
If you need an extension activity, have a look at the cards below. Please note, they are more for talking through rather than writing answers down.
Activity Cards The 2 Times Table
At the end of the lesson, please have a look at the True or False Question. Talk about it with your grown up. You do not need to write anything down.
WALT: name the countries of the United Kingdom and locate the Isle of Coll.
Today we are starting a new Geography unit of work all about a small Scottish island called the Isle of Coll. This is the island that the Katie Morag series of books by Mairi Hedderwick is based on. The stories have been made into a series of children’s programmes now showing on the BBC iPlayer.
To start with we will locate the Isle of Coll. First of all let’s have a look at a map of the United Kingdom. You will be familiar with this from Year 1. Use the display map below to locate the countries of the United Kingdom, then use the blank map below to label the countries. Finally use the close up display map of Scotland to locate the Isle of Coll and label Coll on your map too!
Label The Countries Of United Kingdom
Katie Morag- an introduction to the stories
Have a look at the short film below to see an introduction to the Katie Morag stories. In the books the island is referred to as the island of ‘Struay.’ Some of the episodes were filmed on the real island of Coll.
Tuesday 26th January
WALT: tell a set of instructions from memory
Today you will need your instruction map from yesterday. Use the link below to access the next lesson. Have fun ‘stepping out’ and talking thorough your set of instructions for how to defeat the Fire Giants.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Play Buried Treasure and sort the real and fake ‘ea’ words.Select Phase 5 and then ‘ea’ words
Complete the Twinkl activity below and colour to show the difference between real and fake words.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Today you are looking at the different ways of spelling the ‘or’ phoneme. Follow the link to the ‘Haunted Fort.’
Click on the phoneme spotter and carefully read the text. Be careful there are some tricky words here!! Then click on the word sort and best bet activities.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
You are going to have a look at the ‘Spelling Frame’ website that you accessed last week. Again there is a free game connected our spelling pattern of the week. When you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days!!!
When the game loads click on the blue ‘PRACTICE‘ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern.
**** There are two possible games to have a look at this week. You might want to spread them out across the week.
WALT: learn the facts for the 2 times table
Today we are going to consolidate the work we did yesterday and begin to learn the two times table by heart. Remember, lots of practice will be needed over the next few weeks! Parents note, this will take time and if your child needs to work them out by counting in twos, that is absolutely fine. Also, draw your child’s attention to the fact that our doubling skills from last week can help us with our answers to the two times table!!!
Listen to the 2 times table
Then have a go at one of the two times table wheels. There are three levels. Pick the one that suits your child. If you do not have a printer, please write the answers in your blue book. Then you might like to have a go at the Space Race Game. See how fast you can answer the questions against a timer!!
WALT: describe what we can see on the Isle of Coll
Today I would like you to watch a short video made by a holiday visitor to the Isle of Coll. Think about all of the things you can see on the island and how it is so very different to our local area.
You only need to watch up to 5:06 minutes as then the visitor moves on to the neighbouring island of Tiree.
After you have watched the video make a brainstorm of as many things as you can remember. Write the words ‘The Isle of Coll’ in the middle of your page and surround it with pictures and words of all that you saw.
Afterwards, discuss with your grown up how very different Coll is to where we live e.g no supermarkets, railway lines, very few cars etc.
Wednesday 27th January
WALT: use imperative verbs
Today we are looking at imperative or ‘bossy’ verbs. Click on the link below and listen to the video. At approximately 13:52 minutes, the teacher will ask you to write your own instructions using imperative verbs. She offers some suggestions, but I would like you to think of some much more exciting ones if you can!! Don’t worry about the challenge at the end when she asks you to use adverbs. You do not need to do this. We will look at adverbs more closely in the future.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Today you are going to learn the ‘oy’ phoneme. Read the words on the Twinkl Powerpoint over and over until totally confident. Put each each word into a sentence orally. You do not need to write anything down. Try and make your sentences interesting!
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Think about the different ways of spelling the ‘or’ sound from yesterday. Have a look at the Twinkl presentation below. Each slide will give you three possible ways of spelling the word. Choose which one you think it is, jot it down, then see if you were right!!
or aw au Correct Spelling Presentation
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Have a go at the interactive wordsearch below!!
WALT: begin to understand the 5 times table
Watch the video below until 5:10 minutes as there is enough content for today at this point. You do not need to do questions 5 and 6 on the worksheet, unless you feel your child is really ready for these.
There are some extension activities here if you wish to access them:
Activity Cards The 5 Times Table
WALT: understand how to show kindness
Today we are going to think again about how we can show kindness to our friends and family. Watch the video below and create your own little bucket of kindness!!
End of the day story
Enjoy a Katie Morag story! This one is called ‘ Katie Morag and the Carrot Competition!’
Thursday 28th January
WALT: use the subordinating conjunctions ‘when’ and ‘if’
In this lesson we will learn about how to use ‘when’ and ‘if’ in our instructions and identify a subordinating conjunction. We will then write our own instructions using ‘when’ and ‘if’.
NB Parents, please note that part way through the video, the teacher writes down the word ‘chilli pepper’ as ‘chilly pepper!!’ I have informed Oak Academy about the incorrect spelling!!
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Read through the postcard. Take your time! Highlight the ‘oy’ words with a coloured pencil.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Revise the tricky words from Phase 5a and 5b from last week. When you are really confident with reading them, can you put some of them into really interesting sentences. You do not need to write them down. Speak them out loud!
Mrs Joyce’s Group
It’s time to practice your beautiful handwriting. I know how well you have been trying with the instrokes and the outstrokes.
Precursive Handwriting Practice Sheet dge
WALT: begin to recall facts for the 5 times table
Today we are going to consolidate the work we did yesterday and begin to learn the five times table by heart. Remember, lots of practice will be needed over the next few weeks! Parents note, this will take time and if your child needs to work them out by counting in fives, that is absolutely fine.
Watch and join in with the 5 times table song below:
Then have a go at the 5 times table booklet. There are lots and lots of sums to practise!! Parents, please note, if you do not have a printer and your child is reading the sums from the screen, bear in mind the page numbers at the bottom of the page are not in numerical order.
In today’s lesson we are going to be coding on Espresso. We completed some coding on Espresso last term, however Espresso have redesigned their coding, so things look different.
Please click on the link below. The login details: your username and password were sent securely via ParentMail w/c 04/01/21.
Click on Level 2. You can complete the Refresher Level 1 first if you wish, before you start the ‘Different sorts of inputs’. Once you’ve clicked on ‘Different sorts of inputs’, click on the first lesson which is Little Red Riding Hood. As things are different, please watch the short video that appears straight away. It explains well the new way around the coding. You will be coding to make Little Red Riding Hood move in different directions. There are 6 stages within Little Red Riding Hood. When you complete the first one and press Run (the green button which is now at the bottom of the screen), you are ready to move onto the second page of 6. Just click the arrow at the top where is says 1/6, then you’ll move onto 2/6 and so on.
Let us know how you get on!
Friday 29th January
WALT: read and understand a text
Today we are going to be reading about another inspirational person: Captain Sir Tom Moore. You will have seen this wonderful gentleman in the news last year because he raised an extraordinary amount of money for the NHS. Enjoy reading about this wonderful gentleman. Parents, choose the star challenge that is appropriate for your child.
WALT: solve problems using multiplication
Today you are going to read some word problems and solve them using your skills of multiplication. Remember to use your skills of counting in 2’s, 5’s or 10’s to help you work out the answers. Write both the calculation and the answer. If you need to draw a picture or do some jottings on a separate piece of paper to help you work out the answer, that is absolutely fine.
There are two activity sheets. (one star and two star) Choose the one that is the most appropriate for you.
Multiplication Word Problems One Star
Multiplication Word Problems 3 Star
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Today you are learning the ir phoneme. Watch the video below and as the numberblocks make a new word, say it out loud and write it down. How many words did you find?
Then have a go at reading the real and fake words on the sheet below.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Today we are looking at the different ways of spelling the ‘ur’ sound. Follow the link below and have a look at ‘Surf World.’ Read the phoneme spotter and listen out for all of the ‘ur’ sounding words. Then complete the ‘Word Sort’.’
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Complete the spelling activity below. There are some new ones for you to have a look at as well as some that you are familiar with.
Letter Tiles Spellings Activity Sheet dge
Afternoon Activities
We are going to be starting a new unit of work on ‘pulse’. Click on the link below to the Oak Academy video.
Have fun!!!
Golden Time
Now it is time to relax and have some time to yourself! Well done Year 2. You have worked so hard this week. Have a lovely weekend and stay safe.
Love from Mrs Joyce, Mrs Kulczycki and Miss Greenwood
Next week’s spellings
Spring 1 Week 5 Rockets j and g
Spring 1 Week 5 Comets kn and gn
Week beginning Monday 18th January
Hello everyone and welcome to a new week. We hope you are all well and coping in the difficult circumstances. We miss you a lot and look forward to our catch ups on Zoom. We are super proud of all of the wonderful things you are doing at home to continue your learning. You are all little superstars!!
Remember if you need any of last week’s information it will be lower down the page.
18.1.21 NEWS: The Partnership for Children Organisation have published some resources to boost your child’s wellbeing during the Covid-19 pandemic. There are some lovely short activities dealing with feelings, staying connected, dealing with worries and how to relax. If you would like to have a look, click on the link below:
Remember our Zooms are at 10 am on Tuesday and Friday.
We would love to see you all. You could bring your dragon artwork from last week or another piece of work that you are proud of! 😍😍😍
18.1.21 There is a new dance video from Mrs Kulczycki on the homepage under the School Life section, then select ‘Dance videos with Mrs K.’ ****** Enjoy!!!
Here are your activities for the week ahead.
Monday 18th January
WALT: plan our own dragon story 
Today we are going to plan a dragon story of our own. Think about the dragon stories we have heard this week. They have included castles, villages, mountains. lakes, princes, princesses, kings, castles and even caves!! Of course they have all included DRAGONS!!!!! Use the headings on the grid to help you plan your story or write the headings into your blue book. In the first top box draw your dragon, in the second top box think about the characters who are going to be in your story and use expanded noun phrases to describe them, in the third box think about where your story is going to take place-what you might see in this imaginary, magical land. Again use expanded noun phrases to describe what you can see. The three bottom boxes are for three pictures to show what happens in the beginning, the middle and the end of your story. If you want to draw more pictures to help you that is absolutely fine. I have included below my example to show you how to fill in the top three boxes and then a blank example for you to use if you wish or you could plan it straight into your blue book.
Story Plan Example (Just for ideas)
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Read ‘ou‘ words. Log onto PhonicsPlay and play Picnic on Pluto and Dragon’s Den. Click on Phase 5 and choose the ‘ou‘ words.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Read words with the alternative spelling for ‘ar‘. Log onto PhonicsPlay and click on the link below. Select the Word Sort and the Best Bet, as you did the Phoneme Spotter last Friday.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
You are starting our spelling pattern of the week which is ‘soft c‘. Have a look at the powerpoint below. Can you put each one into a really interesting sentence? You don’t need to write it down. Just say it out loud to your grown up.
WALT: understand multiplication using the x symbol
As you know, we are using the White Rose Maths scheme to help you with your maths learning. We are continuing our work on multiplication this week. Click on the link below which will take you to a teaching video. It may be a good idea to have the activity worksheet in front of you or have access to it on the screen, as the teacher will refer to it during the introduction.
Activity sheet: Multiplication Using X
If you would like some extra practice at this, feel free to use the ideas below, but this is optional. There are three activities to choose from.
Multiplication As Repeated Addition Twinkl
WALT: understand what absorbency is and test the absorbency of materials.
I would like you to click on the link below and follow the science lesson from Oak Academy. The teacher suggests that you have the following equipment; a cloth or a sponge, a plastic bag or cup, tin foil, cardboard or paper and cotton wool. If you would like to substitute these for your own materials that is absolutely fine. (Or if you would prefer to watch the teacher that is fine.) If you do carry out the experiment, you could draw your results in the form of a grid straight into your blue books or you could use the template below.
Which Materials Are Absorbent Grid
Tuesday 19th January
Don’t forget to Zoom at 10am. Bring along your dragon pictures or a favourite piece of work.
WALT: begin to write a dragon story (This will take two lessons)
Today I would like you to use your story plan from yesterday to start to write your dragon story. We are going to use two lessons to write the story, so take your time. When you introduce the dragon into your story, use some of the wonderful similes that you came up with last week to describe him. I have included your WILF (What I’m Looking For) targets below. I have also included a list of vocabulary you might need, this includes some examples of time sentence openers.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
You are learning ‘ie‘ words today. Have a look at the presentation below and practise reading the words. Then put each of these words into a super sentence. You do not need to write them down-speak them out loud.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Today you are reading words with alternative spellings for ‘ear.‘ Complete the activity below:
Mrs Joyce’s Group
You are going to have a look at the ‘Spelling Frame’ website that you accessed last week. Again there is a free game connected our spelling pattern of the week. When you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days!!!
When the game loads click on the blue ‘PRACTICE‘ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern.
WALT: understand multiplication sentences using pictures.
Click on the link and follow the lesson. Remember to have the activity sheet to hand, either printed out or access to it on screen.
Activity sheet: Multiplication Sentences Using Pictures
If you would like a further extension challenge have a go at the Twinkl Mastery sheet. Multiplication sentences using pictures, sheets 1 and 2 This is optional.
Twinkl Mastery Multiplication Sentences From Pictures
WALT: to name and describe the work of a famous inventor (John McAdam
Today we are going to be thinking about a new material that was invented a few hundred years ago and is still used all over the world today. Watch the following video. Listen carefully to see how many facts you can remember.
Then have a look at the Powerpoint Presentation which will go over some of the points of the video again. Again look carefully as you are going to create a fact file about the famous inventor.
Choose from the following templates or design a fact file of your own.
John McAdam Fact File Activity Sheets
Wednesday 19th January
Today it is time to finish your dragon stories. I can’t wait to read them all!! Make sure you have included as many of the WILF targets given yesterday as you can.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Today you are going to read real and fake ‘ie‘ words. Use the sheet below.
Colour By Phoneme ie Words real nonsense
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Today you are going to read words containing the alternative ‘ear’ spellings. You can complete the activity online or you can highlight the words on a paper copy.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Practise this week’s spellings using your precursive handwriting.
WALT: solve problems using repeated addition and multiplication
Today you are going to use your skills of multiplication and repeated addition to solve a problem down on the farm!! Choose the star challenge which is best for you. Use the cut out pictures to help you or alternatively you could draw little pictures of stick animals to help you work out the answers. (The drawings don’t need to be fancy or detailed.)
Farmyard Chaos Problem Solving Multiplication
WALT: understand what makes a good friend.
Today we are going to think about our friends and what makes a good friend. Watch the Oak Academy lesson below and then create your own friendship flower.
Thursday 21st January
Don’t forget to have your spelling test today!! 
WALT: design a front cover for our dragon stories.
I hope you all enjoyed writing your dragon stories! Today I would like you to design a front cover for your story. Don’t forget to include the title of the story and the author and illustrator’s name……………..that’s YOU!!!!!! Make it as bold and as colourful as you can. Use bubble writing if you would like to.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Revise reading the tricky words from Phase 2 and 3, then have a go at reading the tricky words from Phase 4.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Revise reading the tricky words from Phase 5a, then practise words from Phase 5b.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Have fun creating a wordsearch using this week’s spellings. When you have completed it, ask someone at home to see if they can complete it. Draw your own or use the blank template provided. Make sure you write the spellings correctly underneath the wordsearch!
WALT: to understand arrays
Today we are going to be looking at and drawing arrays. Follow the link and the activity below.
Activity- Use Arrays
If you need a little more support with reading arrays and drawing arrays, you might like to complete the sheet below or you could have a go at drawing some in your blue book and writing the multiplication sum and answer that goes with it.
Multiplication Arrays Coloured
WALT: understand why Grace Darling is an inspirational woman.
Following on from our work about Mother Teresa, this week we are going to hear the story of Grace Darling. Watch the video below.
Wow! Wasn’t she such a brave and fearless lady? Have a little think about why she is inspirational to us. There are times in your lives when you will have been brave or when you will need to be brave. Try and jot your ideas down in your blue book or use the template below.
Find Your Brave Thought Prompt Sheet
Friday 22nd January
WALT: recall doubles quickly and effectively
Before we learn the two times table, we are going to revise our doubles. You will have met these in Year 1, but you might need a reminder. Remember you need to know these by heart.
Have a sing along with the following song
Then have a look at Hit the Button. There is a section on doubles. Choose from the following sections depending on your confidence.
Doubles to 10
Doubles from 5 to 15
Doubles from 10 to 20
Doubles Activity
Now have a go at one or two of the challenge cards shown below. Here you have to spot the double and then add on the third number. Write them out into your blue book. You do not have to do them all!
Or if you need a little more practise doubling numbers, complete one of the ladybird double sheets instead. How many doubles do you know by heart?
We are going to end the week with a comprehension. We have had some very cold and frosty weather this week, but you are going to learn all about the coldest place on earth!!! Choose from the one star, two star and three star challenges.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Can you read the Phase 4 tricky word spotter out loud? Highlight the Phase 4 tricky words.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Enjoy reading the ‘air’ phoneme spotter. Don’t worry about highlighting the words, concentrate on reading the story confidently. It is quite a long story today!! Look out for words that make the ‘air’ sound but are spelt differently.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Create new words when you take away or change the letters in soft ‘c’ words. Have fun!!
Afternoon Activities
WALT: to make music out of objects around the home
This afternoon we are going to be looking at how to make music out of objects around the home. You will need a piece of paper, a saucepan and two spoons!! Click on the link below to the Oak Academy Lesson.
You may want to use some time to finish off any activities you started during the week. Then you can reward yourself with some Golden Time. Relax and enjoy!!
Golden Time
Next week’s spellings
Rockets (Mrs Joyce) Spring 1 Week 4 Rockets dge and ge
Comets (Mrs Kulczycki) Spring 1 Week 4 Comets eer and ear
Stars (Miss Ewbank) Spring 1 Week 4 Stars ie
Week beginning Monday 11th January
Hello everyone! I hope you are all well and have had a great weekend. We had a busy week last week at school and I know there has been some amazing learning going on at home as well. Thank you for sending me your super work. I love to look at it all.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Zoom meetings this week. The details will be sent via Parent Mail.
Miss Greenwood, who most of you met on the first Monday back after the holidays is continuing to work with us in school and she is looking forward to seeing you again when you return.
Reading and Spellings
Please remember to do your daily reading and practise your spellings every week. We are having our spelling tests as usual in school. Pick a day and a time that is best for you.
11.1.21 Year 2 Common Exception Words
As you know, in every year group, there are a list of words that the children are expected to be able to read and spell by the end of the year. The children will recognize these as they are displayed on the door of the Year 2 classroom!!! As part of your child’s weekly reading schedule please could you help them to learn to read these words. We are just concentrating on the READING of them first. Below there are a couple of examples of lists of these words for your reference to use in whichever way you would like.
Common Exception Words Colour Flashcards
Year 2 Common Exception Words Flashcards
If you need to access PhonicsPlay:
Login details sent with Miss Healey’s letter dated 5.1.21
Since we sent our letter out, Phonics Play have kindly given free access to their website, as they did in the last Lockdown. Their new login details are as follows: username: jan21 password: home
These new login details – as well as the ones we sent out 5.1.21 – should both work … fingers crossed!
Please continue to use Oxford Owl to supplement your child’s home reading. Their website has been updated and now looks a bit different. Log in via Oxford Owl for School. On the login page you will need to click on Students. ( Not ‘My Class login’) as previously stated in your child’s reading journal.
Our class login details are the same as the ones in your child’s reading journal.
Once logged in, click on e-book library, then Levels to choose a book at your child’s current Oxford Reading Tree Level.
Sometimes Oxford Owl remembers your login details. If it doesn’t work and won’t let you log in, check the top of the page to see if it says Hello year 2 owls 20; if it does, just click that!
Try and do some form of physical exercise everyday.
Have a look on You Tube for some of the Joe Wicks workouts. He has announced that he will be putting some more workouts online from Monday 11th January on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Also Cosmic Yoga is brilliant for mindfulness and yoga activities all combined in an exciting adventure! You might want to go for a walk, make up a dance, ride your scooter or play in the garden!!
11.1.21*** We have been asked to share the following information with parents. ‘Progressive Sports’ are setting a weekly challenge for KS1 children to help them keep fit and healthy. Have a look at this week’s challenge below:
Monday 11th January
WALT: To understand and use similes.
In Grammar today we are looking at similes. Similes are a lovely way of adding powerful descriptions to our writing. Have a look at the Powerpoint Presentation below and then complete the follow up activity. Try and complete either the 2 star or the 3 star challenge.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Log on to Phonics Play using the details at the top of the page and revise the Phase 3 phonemes. Play Speed Trial a few times and see if you can beat your score.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
We are looking at the alternative spellings for ‘ow’. Read carefully through the ‘Brown Owl Farm Campsite’ text and highlight the different ‘ow’ phonemes. It will help you to read it out loud, then you can hear the phonemes.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
The spelling pattern for this week is wr. Have a look at the following website
Although you have to subscribe to this website, there is a free game connected our spelling pattern of the week. When you open the link, you need to scroll down the page until you see the selection of colourful games. Choose whichever game has the ‘free’ red star badge across it. The game changes every few days. Today, as I write this, it is the mini -golf game but it could be different tomorrow!!
When the game loads click on the blue ‘PRACTICE’ icon. There will be spelling questions to complete. Each time you get a question correct, it will let you play a little more of the game. Please note, not all of these words are the same as the ones in our test, but they all follow the same pattern.
WALT: recognize right angled turns on a route
This week we are continuing our work on position, direction and movement. Have a look at the following presentation all about directing a car around an imaginary town!
Lesson Presentation Right Angled Roads
Activity Sheet Right Angled Roads
Don’t worry if you cannot print out the sheets. You can talk through your answers with your grown up. Choose from the one, two or three star activities.
WALT: understand some of the properties and uses of everyday materials.
We are continuing our work on materials, today using ICT to help us.
Please click on the link below to an Espresso page about ‘Materials’. You will be learning about the properties and suitability of everyday materials. The login screen should appear when you press the link.
The login details: your username and password were sent securely via ParentMail last week.
Click on ‘Videos’ on the left hand side and watch all 6 videos. Then click on ‘Activities’ on the left hand side and complete all 3 activities.
Tuesday 12th January
WALT: use similes in our descriptive writing.
This week we are going to be looking at some dragon stories! Have a look at the following story called ‘George and the Dragon.’
Think about the work we did on similes yesterday. I would like you think of lots of similes to describe the dragon in this story. Choose different parts of his body to describe. Write your sentences in your blue home learning book. There is a picture of him below to help you. Here are some examples of sentences using similes.
The dragon’s teeth were jagged like knives.
He was as huge as a mountain.
The dragon breathed flames as hot as the sun.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
You will be looking at a set of new phonemes. Today we are beginning with ‘ay.’
Read the flashcards and sort the words into real and fake.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Can you spell the words with the alternative ‘ow’ sound?
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Can you help Mr Whoops to spell the ‘wr’ words correctly? The challenge at the bottom of the sheet asks for the two words Mr Whoops has not muddled up. You will find these on this week’s spelling list!!
WALT: revise half turns, quarter turns and full turns.
Activity 1
Please click on the link below to a Purplemash activity about quarter turns, half turns and full turns. The login screen should appear when you press the link. The login details were sent to you securely last week via ParentMail.
The link could potentially take you to a page that has ‘Find my school’s login page’, click on this and start typing Buckstones. Click on Buckstones School and then click ‘Go to school portal’. This should then take you to the login page as above.
Answer the 10 questions and repeat to get 10/10!
Activity 2
Please click on the link below to an Espresso activity about quarter turns, half turns and full turns. The login screen should appear when you press the link. Again, the login details were sent via ParentMail.
Answer the 8 questions and repeat to get 8/8!
R.E– Mother Teresa
WALT: recall some of the facts about the life of an inspirational person.
You had some really fantastic ideas for who your inspirational people were. Today we are going to have a look at the life of a famous inspirational woman called Mother Teresa. Have a look at the following Powerpoint.
Activity– Make a poster showing what you have learned about Mother Teresa. It can include drawings, facts about her life and your opinion of her .
Wednesday 13th January
WALT: review a dragon story
I would like you to listen to another dragon story; the story of Saint George and the Dragon. This is a re-telling of a famous legend from long ago. Get yourselves comfy. It lasts for 15 minutes!!
Then complete the book review sheet below, giving your opinions of the story
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Read the postcard out loud carefully to your grown up and highlight all of the ‘ay’ words.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
We are looking at the alternative spellings for ‘oy’. Log on to PhonicsPlay and complete the Phoneme Spotter, the Word Sort and the Best Bet activities.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Choose 4 of this week’s wr spellings and write a clear definition for each one. Remember, a definition explains clearly what the word means. Write them like this:
wrist– This is the joint connecting the hand with the arm.
wriggle– This means to twist and turn with sudden movements.
WALT: understand how to rotate an object.
We are going to look at rotations today.
Have a look at the Powerpoint Presentation below.
Lesson Presentation Robin Rotations
Complete the follow up activity sheet.
Animals Turning Clockwise or Anti Clockwise
WALT: recognize that we can change the shape of certain materials.
Our next lesson is taken from the National Oak Academy. It is all about how we can change the shape of materials. The teacher suggests that you have a sock, elastic band and sponge and another object of your own choice. You can add more of your own objects if you wish. Record your answers in your blue book or use the grid below if you wish.
Thursday 14th January
WALT: read and understand a text.
Have a go at the following comprehension about Saint George and the Dragon. Choose from the one, two, three star challenges.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Complete the ‘ay’ spelling sheet.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Log on to PhonicsPlay and choose Phase 5 Tricky Word Trucks. Practise reading the words from Phase 5a and 5b.
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Complete the wr wordsearch
WALT: show our learning on position, movement and direction.
Position, Movement and Direction- to complete this unit of work, make a poster of everything you have learned over the past few days. You might want to include new words you have learned and pictures to show what they mean.
e.g you might want to include some of the following
- drawings of shapes with right angles/ no right angles
- a map of a village with lots of right angled corners
- the compass points
- a picture showing clockwise and anti-clockwise
- objects rotating in quarter/ half turns
To complete your learning on position, movement and direction, you can click on the link below to an Espresso activity about direction and turns by doing a ‘Line Dance’. The login screen should appear when you press the link. Remember, the login details were sent securely in ParentMail.
Watch the video and join in with the moves working out the right way to turn and which direction you should be facing. Enjoy!
WALT: understand the elasticity of certain materials.
Today we are going to be continuing our work on changing materials. Please follow the lesson on Oak Academy below. It is suggested that you have a cloth, an elastic band or hairband, a piece of paper and a plastic/carrier bag.
Once you have completed the video, please draw your results showing the least elastic to most elastic objects in order.
Are you ready to hear another dragon story? Listen to another wonderful story called ‘The Paper Bag Princess’. I think you will find it really funny!!
Friday 15th January
Maths: working towards multiplication
WALT: add equal groups
Today I would like you to watch the following presentation and complete the activity. This is the start of our unit of work on multiplication. In these ‘White Rose’ lessons over the next couple of weeks, it is probably a good idea to have the activity sheet in front of you, as often the voice will ask you to complete certain questions half way through the presentation!! I realize that printing out the sheets is not an option for everyone, but you could still open up the activity sheet on screen and record the answers in your blue book wherever possible.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Today you are learning the ‘ou’ phoneme. Play Read and Roll. Read the words until you are really confident with them.
Mrs Kulczycki’s Group
Today we are looking at the different ways of spelling the ‘ar’ sound. Read the following diary extract and highlight the ‘ar’ sounding words. Be careful. There are some tricky ones!!
Mrs Joyce’s Group
Revise gn, kn and wr spellings from the past two weeks and fill in the missing words on the activity sheet.
Activity Missing Words kn gn wr
Art- Dragons!!!
Create a drawing or a painting or collage of a dragon! Think about all of the different dragons we have heard about this week in our dragon stories. Use whatever materials you have at home. There are some lovely ideas on Pinterest. We would love to see your art work!!!
Afternoon Activities
This afternoon we are going to be looking at different ways of using your voice. Click on the link below and have fun!!!
If you need to complete any of this week’s learning activities, you could do these now.
Also you can reward yourself with some Golden Time at home this afternoon! Well done!!
Next week’s spellings
Rockets (Mrs Joyce) Spring 1 Week 3 Rockets soft c
Comets (Mrs Kulczycki) Spring 1 Week 3 Comets oo ue
Stars (Miss Ewbank) Spring 1 Week 3 Stars ay
Have a great weekend everyone. Take care.
Love from Mrs Joyce and Mrs Kulczycki
Wednesday 6th January
Tomorrow you are going to write a recount of Christmas Day! Today you need to plan your writing in a series of 6 pictures to help you remember the order in which things happened. Use the grid to help you. Draw a picture in each section. If you are unable to print the grid, you can draw one in your blue home learning book.
Phonics/Spelling (15 minutes session)
Mrs Joyce’s Group- kn, gn
Find the missing word activity. See below
Activity Sheet Find The Missing Word Gn Kn
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Phase 4 Practise reading the sentences clearly and loudly. See below
Mrs Kulczycki’s group
Alternative spellings for oo. Read the ‘Make a cool air balloon’ text. Highlight any ‘oo’ sounding words. Remember they will not just be spelt ‘oo’, for example you could highlight the ‘ue’ in glue. See below.
On Monday we looked at full turns, half turns and quarter turns, clockwise and anti-clockwise. If you need a bit of revision have a look again at the ‘Mend the Quilt’ presentation that we looked at in school.
Lesson Presentation Mend The Quilt
Don’t forget on any of the Powerpoint Presentations, you will need to click ‘Enable Editing’ and then click on ‘Slide Show’ and then click on ‘From the Beginning.’
Today you are going to learn about moving in straight lines. Read the presentation ‘Lovely Lines’, then complete the one star and/or the two -star activity. Parents please choose which is most suitable for your child.
Lesson Presentation Lovely Lines
On Monday we started our new topic on ‘Materials’ and looked in the classroom to see what different objects are made out of. Today I would like you to have a look outside to see what different objects you can find and decide what material they are made from. Make a list of what you find and what it is made from, using the sheet below or you can draw your own chart in your blue home learning book.
Thursday 7th January
Remember to have your spelling test today and make sure you have completed your spelling sentences.
Today I would like you to write your piece of news about Christmas Day. Remember to tell the events in the order that they happened. Use your planning sheet from yesterday to remind you. I would like you to think about some of the English skills that you have developed so far and I have included a list of things to include in your writing. Don’t forget to tick off what you have managed to achieve in your writing.
Phonics/Spelling (15 minutes session)
We have come across a potential issue, where the Phonics Play links don’t take you directly to the correct page and you may see an error message 404. To avoid this issue, please can you click on the following phonics play link first, then login to the website and then only when you are logged in, please return to this page and press the link for your child below. Sorry for any inconvenience x
Mrs Joyce’s Group-
See how well you can write this week’s spellings showing the instrokes and the outstrokes as shown on the sheet below. Write the words straight into your blue home learning book.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Log on to Phonics Play using the login details sent via Parentmail and sort the real and fake words. Choose CCV and CCVC words set 1-7.
Mrs Kulczycki’s group
Log on to Phonics Play using the login details sent via Parentmail
You are looking at alternative spellings for oo. Using the link below, complete the ‘Word sort’ and have a look at the ‘Best Bet.’
Let’s see how good you are at giving directions to a grown up to move across a treasure map, using the words right turn, left turn, quarter turn, half turn, forwards and backwards. Use the Treasure Island Board Game and instructions provided or you could make up a simple treasure map of your own and use counters for objects. Remember it will need to be a grid, made up of squares. The emphasis here is using the correct mathematical language.
Today I would like you to think of an inspirational person that you admire. It could be a sports person, a movie star, a historical figure, an author or a family member. Draw a picture of the person and brainstorm as many words as you can around the picture to describe that person e.g strong, adventurous, brave, funny etc. Think about why you chose this person, why they inspire you and how they make you feel.
Friday 8th January
Have a look at the New Year comprehension. Parents, there are one star, two star and three star activities. Choose the one that is most suitable for your child.
If you cannot print out, please do not worry, write the answers in your blue home learning book.
Mrs Joyce’s Group-
Read the story of the Knight and the Gnome. Highlight words containing kn and gn. If you are unable to print, write the kn and gn words you have found into your home learning books.
Miss Ewbank’s Group
Complete the Phase 4 Phonics Mat 1 (There are 5-just do the first one!!)
Mrs Kulczycki’s group
Complete the oo/ew spelling sheet below.
Today you are going to look at right angles. Watch the presentation ‘Right Angled Clocks’. Then complete the activity. There are one star, two star and three star challenges. Parents, choose which is best for your child.
Lesson Presentation Right Angled Clocks
Activity Sheet Right Angled Clocks
Afternoon Activities
Make sure you have some time to exercise, enjoy a walk or dance!!
Also you can reward yourself with some Golden Time at home! Well done!!
Next week’s spellings
Rockets (Mrs Joyce) Spring 1 Week 2 Rockets wr
Comets (Mrs Kulczycki) Spring 1 Week 2 Comets oa o-e
Stars (Miss Ewbank) Spring 1 Week 2 Stars Blends
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Take care.
Love from Mrs Joyce and Mrs Kulczycki
Year 2 Timetable. Remember you can do the daily activities in whichever order is best for you.
Monday | English | BREAK | Maths | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading | IT/Science | ||
Tuesday | English | BREAK | Maths/ICT | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading | R.E | ||
Wednesday |
English | BREAK | Maths | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading | Science | ||
Thursday | English | BREAK | Maths | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading | Science | ||
Friday | Maths | BREAK | Art | Phonics | LUNCH | Reading | Music | Golden Time |